Great Russian word composition

By the way, Russia has always been treated with reverence, starting with solemn tsarist decrees and ending with modern sayings and chastushki. If we look into history, we will see that the language had its own peculiarity not only depending on the edge of Russia, but also on the profession of man. For example, in old Moscow there were languages ​​of barbers and cabbies, tailors and shoemakers, innkeepers and bath-house attendants, restaurant waiters and merchants. Now most of these professions have remained in the past, but the Russian language retained the elements of the past deletion and ingenuity that Nikolai Vasilievich Gogol admired, and to this day. The creator of the language is the people, and therefore our famous writers all over the world enlivened their works with a funny, sometimes ornate, then apt Russian word.

Yevgeny Platonovich Ivanov did a lot to collect and study such Russian language. His grandfather was serf Sheremetev, and his father independently mastered the letter and opened his own office. We can say that the Russian language in life helped the family of EP Ivanov like a rich heritage. The writer and the collector of the Russian language, E. Ivanov, managed to fix many curious phenomena of Russian speech usage at the turn of the century. I want to note, in my opinion, the most interesting moment: the penetration of bookwords and expressions into the petty bourgeoisie. In this case, there is a cycle of language: writers take the language from the people, and the people in turn pick up the expressions they like from books.

So, in Russia people of one social group willingly spoke the language of the other – the higher or the lower.

Writers first noticed and reflected this phenomenon in their works. Let us recall Gogol again, who, in The Nights Before Christmas, the blacksmith, wishing to prove that he “knew the literate language himself,” puts it this way: “Many houses are covered with letters from gold leaf to the point of extreme. Despite the formal absurdity of these phrases Gogol’s hero, we are all clear and we can not help but smile.

The same can be said about the Nekrasov hero who visited the city:

Some special words

I’m a Russian peasant.

But on the other hand, there was a craving for the ugly, warped language of a certain social stratum of people. They replaced the vivid folk speech with senseless scraps of intellectual speech. Writers criticized this phenomenon. Perhaps, Anton Pavlovich Chekhov worked more than anyone on the speech portraits of lovers of the “learned syllable” among various professions. Already his first story, “A Letter to a Scientist’s Neighbor” is completely constructed on the image of such a style. They, for example, write a retired sergeant: “I am fond of the love of astronomers, poets, metaphysicians, privat-docents, chemists and other science priests whom you reckon through your clever facts and branches of science, that is, foods and fruits.” And in his other story, “The clever janitor”, another lover of books discusses the benefits of the sciences, the janitor typing out the learned words from them: “. not see in you no civilization. Because your brother does not have a real point. “The janitor echoes the water carrier that joined the enlightenment:” I am perplexed in the climate argument. “Strychkin, the head conductor in the story” A Good End, “expresses himself very ceremoniously:” So I would very much like to combine the Hegumene “- or:” and in the reasoning of people’s happiness has its own profession. “Even more” refined “speech turns are used by Chekhov’s medical assistant, petty officials, telegraphists, etc.

The process of updating the language went on continuously. But, unfortunately, with the growth of large cities, with the development of powerful economic ties, the process of aspiration from diversity to uniformity of language began. Now more and more there is a smoothing out and even disappearance of the differences in the language of different professional groups of people. This process, apparently, is irreversible. But all the same, it’s a pity for this past speech wealth of the Russian language. Gone were the bright words of the masters, the cries of the barkers, the scribes of the scribes, the cabbies’ tales. In everyday life they found witty puns, unexpected rhymes and epithets, exact characteristics of everyday situations: “This is not a seller for you, but scabies: it clings hard, removes lime, puts fog, but does not give death”; “from the body you are a swan, and from the soul of a sucker”; “male on mutton milk”; ” the debtor book in the stealing in the wind in the open field you will not find “;” with the wind, with the chill we fix the iron nail, the new ones are pummeled, the heads of the rules, the bootlegs, who should be weakened, and who needs – we’ll put it! ” Tver cold, tattered, hungry, today the price of a job is similar! Tver shoemaker, motherly hostage, his wife in a tavern drank a goat and bought shoes for hoofs. “These expressions, I believe, could be fully taken as a basis in modern communication, for example, masters and sellers with the people. prove the master of the matter and the creators of the word. In any case, I think, we should strive for this. today the price of a job is similar! Tver shoemaker, motherly hostage, his wife in a tavern drank a goat and bought shoes for hoofs. “These expressions, I believe, could be fully taken as a basis in modern communication, for example, masters and sellers with the people. prove the master of the matter and the creators of the word. In any case, I think, we should strive for this. today the price of a job is similar! Tver shoemaker, motherly hostage, his wife in a tavern drank a goat and bought shoes for hoofs. “These expressions, I believe, could be fully taken as a basis in modern communication, for example, masters and sellers with the people. prove the master of the matter and the creators of the word. In any case, I think, we should strive for this.



