Category: Geography
Central Russia: features of the population
1. What do you think, what became the modern “Great Russian”? What qualities of his ancestors were preserved, and which ones were formed anew? Reading the description of the Great Russians, many Russian schoolchildren, probably, were delighted. Indeed, all the listed qualities can be called positive and it is pleasant to think that they were…
Natural areas of Eurasia
1. What is the law of natural zoning in the territory of Eurasia? This geographical law in the territory of Eurasia is most clearly manifested in the sequence of alternation of natural zones. One natural zone replaces another when moving from north to south. 2. It is known that in the forests more vegetative mass…
Natural areas of Africa
1. On the map, determine in which climatic zones are tropical deserts and semi-deserts. To complete this task, you will need maps of natural zones and climatic zones. Determine in what climatic zones are these natural areas. Why did they form exactly in these climatic zones? The main reason is the average annual rainfall, typical…
The Organic World of Antarctica
The vegetation and fauna of Antarctica are distinguished by their exceptional poverty and originality. Most of the territory of Antarctica lies within the natural zone of the Antarctic deserts. Here scant vegetation is concentrated only in oases. In summer, their stone surface is heated by the sun and warms the surrounding air. Therefore here grow…
Cities on the old waterways of trade in the North-West of Russia
1. What, in your opinion, are the old cities different from the new ones? What are their features? At first glance, the old cities differ only in architecture and layout, they preserve ancient buildings, there are historical monuments, and therefore, a powerful potential for the development of tourism. However, in all the ancient cities there…
Atlantic Ocean
1. What impact on the nature of the Atlantic Ocean is its geographical location and size? The meridional extent of the Atlantic Ocean determines the difference in its nature in latitude. The north of the ocean is strongly influenced by the Arctic, and the south by the Antarctic; the ocean lies in almost all climatic…
Features of the organic world of South America and the change of its natural complexes by man
Features of the organic world of the continent. The diversity of the natural conditions of South America determines the species richness of plants and animals, and the remoteness from other continents is their originality. Since in the past geological era, South America was part of the single continent of Gondwana, some plant forks are similar…
The economy of the North Caucasus
1. List all branches of the agricultural specialization of the European South. What was the basis for their development? The region occupies a leading position in Russia in terms of the gross harvest of sunflower, sugar beet, fruits and berries, gross grain harvest, as well as the sheep and goat population. Almost all agricultural products…
Influence of the underlying surface on the climate of Eurasia
The relief has a significant impact on the climate of the continent. The predominance of flat areas in the west of Eurasia contributes to the development of humid Atlantic air masses deep into the land. Their influence is felt even beyond the Ural Mountains, although considerably weakened. On the Eastern European Plain, cold Arctic air…
Inner waters of Africa
1. Prove, using the example of the Zambezi River and the lakes of Tanganyika and Chad, that rivers and lakes depend on terrain and climate. In order to prove the dependence that exists between the inland waters and the relief, it is necessary to trace the nature of the flow of rivers and the shape…