Emerald greenery among the blue expanses of the Pacific Ocean are the islands of Oceania. Some scholars even consider this vast space as a separate part of the world. Exotic nature, mild, favorable climate for living, goodwill of the population contribute to the development of international tourism. High, forested mountains on some islands, white coral sand on others amaze with their grandeur and beauty. Most of the islands are grouped into archipelagos.
The history of discovery and exploration of Oceania began with the first round-the-world trip of Fernand Magellan. Many islands were discovered and mapped by the English navigator James Cook.
A great contribution to the study of the population and nature of Oceania was made by our compatriot Nikolai Miklukho-Maklai. Several years Miklouho-Maclay lived among the Papuans of New Guinea. It was thanks to the works of this scientist that mankind became aware of the nature and way of life of the population of New Guinea and of a number of small islands in Oceania.
Oceania is a collection of islands and groups of islands in the central and southwestern parts of the Pacific Ocean. In total, there are about 10 thousand islands with a total area of 1.3 million km2. The largest group of islands is Polynesia. Micronesia. Melanesia, the largest islands – New Guinea, New Zealand.
The islands of Oceania are located between 130 ° c. etc. and 125 ° W. etc., between 28 ° N. w. and 50 ° S. w. In this way. Near the middle of the ocean, the equator and the meridian cross 180 °. Most of Oceania is located between the North and South Tropics. The islands of New Zealand are in a temperate thermal belt.