Alone with nature, or Farewell with Autumn

How wonderful it is to follow the thin ribbon of the path and, forgetting everything, to dissolve in the majestic beauty of the forest! It’s like he opens his arms to you, and you

Zeus statue in Olympia

Unfortunate were the inhabitants of ancient Greece, who did not see this statue of Zeus in Olympia. The main decoration of the temple of Zeus Antipater Sidonsky in the III century BC attributed to

My favourite time of the year

Winter is a wonderful time. From the sky, a soft, fluffy snow falls down in large flakes. All the streets are in snowdrifts. Houses, trees – everything is covered with a thick layer of

Writing about the meaning of life

Sometimes a person’s life is not enough for a man to ask himself what is the meaning of the life he lived, not particularly delving into the philosophy of the universe. Material well-being, livability

What is impersonation?

Impersonation is the transfer of a person’s properties to inanimate objects and abstract concepts. To create imagery and expressiveness of speech, various artistic means are used, among which one can name personification. At the

Composition-reasoning on the theme “Time”

We can not see the time, but it is with its help that we measure our life. It turns out that time exists, although it can not be touched. Also it can not be

Our class

As a real school friendship grows, grows stronger and hardens, the composition on the theme “My class” narrates. Kindergartners, who had sat down at the school desk, over the years learned to distinguish between

The house I would like to live in

I was born and live in the city, my parents are also townspeople. I love my city, the way I go to school, a small stadium near the house, where I often play football

An excerpt from Mark Twain’s novel “The Adventures of Tom Sawyer”

After a delicious lunch consisting of fish and eggs, Tom said that now he wants to learn how to smoke. Joe jumped at this thought and announced that he too would not mind. Huck

Composition on Nature

No wonder they say that nature is our mother. She gives us everything necessary for life, although we can not always appreciate her gifts. What could be better than a warm sun, majestic mountains,
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