Category: Free style essays
“Protection of animals” composition
An increasing number of people believe that animals should not be exploited by people, and they must have certain rights. Although, there are also people who believe that a person has the right to use animals to meet their needs, for example, use them for food or for medical research. There are different opinions on…
Description of the item in the art style
To describe an object, including an animal, or a plant from a scientific point of view. it is necessary to indicate all of its characteristics, which are definitely of interest to science, without expressing an attitude toward this subject, to show the form and content of the subject. And if it should be described from…
What is the war composition?
Decades have passed since the time when there were terrible wars. Many millions of people died for their homeland and their beloved country. This terrible page in the history of mankind will never be forgotten. There is not a single family that does not lose its loved one in this nightmarish massacre. Nevertheless, mankind has…
The theme of the duel in Russian literature
What is a duel? This is a duel, during which opponents defend their honor or stand up for the honor of another person. Honor is the moral dignity of a person, valor, nobility of the soul and a clear conscience. The Russian nobleman obeyed the law and had no right to participate in a duel:…
Music in our life
Music comes into our lives from childhood. True, our early musical impressions are most often limited to the simplest kinds of music – song, march and dance. But we get used to this music so quickly and so we really begin to love it, that we can not even imagine how you can live without…
What should be the participant of the hike?
Participant of any, even the smallest and simple, campaign should have a number of necessary qualities, and also fulfill implicitly some mandatory requirements. What are the requirements and qualities? Those that will help enjoy your participation in the campaign, but do not remember it with shudder and pain! The participant of the campaign should, first…
How do the rights and responsibilities relate
International documents give children and adults many rights, but people are not allowed to do much. Realizing their rights, a person can not act contrary to the interests of others or restrict their rights. Rights entail responsibilities. For example: – Every child has the right to education, but has the responsibility – to go to…
What does it mean to be merciful?
A person has many virtues: kindness, generosity, sympathy, the ability to compassion and love, and many others. And they are all based on man’s love for man. And there is still a spiritual quality, like charity. And it is also aimed at proving that the Latin winged expression “Man to man is a wolf” is…
An essay on nature
Nature gives enough to satisfy natural needs. Seneca Nature has created everything around us, her strength knows no bounds. Not many people think about it, but we exist due to nature, because it was she who gave us everything for life. On the ground, we grew food, made trees from trees. Mother Nature has given…
“I want to become a policeman” composition
All professions and jobs are important and responsible in their own way. However, hardly anyone will undertake to deny the fact that among all of them can be identified those that require special knowledge, skills and skills from a person. One such profession is the police profession. I would even say that working in the…