Franz Kafka. Biography

Franz Kafka is an Austrian writer, one of the founders of modernist prose, who exerted a tremendous influence on the literature, art and culture of the twentieth century. In his work, the depth of understanding of the core problems of the spiritual life of the Modern Age is combined with an original imagery, balancing on the verge of grotesque and everyday, tragic and ironic. Not having received a worthy recognition during his lifetime, this writer after death acquired the glory of a brilliant prophet who foresaw the spiritual and historical cataclysms of the 20th century.

The life of F. Kafka in dates and facts

July 3, 1883 – was born in Prague in the family of an average merchant.

1893 -1901 gg. – studied at the German State Gymnasium, after which he entered the Prague University for the study of jurisprudence.

1906 – received the title of doctor of law and got a job in the insurance company.

1909 – the first publication of the writer appeared, representing fragments from the unfinished story “Description of one struggle”.

1911 – traveled to Italy, Switzerland, France.

1912 – began work on the novel “Missing”; wrote short stories “Transformation” and “Verdict”.

1913 – published a collection of short stories “Contemplation”.

1914 – began working on the novel “The Process”.

1915 – was awarded the prestigious award them. T. Fontane.

1917 – he became ill with tuberculosis.

1919 – published a collection of short stories “The Rural Doctor”, and also wrote the famous “Letter to the Father.”

1922 – because of the rapid development of the disease left the service in the insurance system and completely focused on literary creativity. Prepared for publication novels “Golodar”, “Studies of one dog”, “Nora”, “Singer Josephine, or Mouse People”, and also took up a new novel “Castle”, which, like the two previous novels, did not finish.

June 3, 1924 – died due to tuberculosis in a sanatorium near Vienna.

Franz Kafka. Biography