“Family theme in literature” essay

It is known that the family in the formation of man plays a decisive role. The person’s personality is created in the family, in the atmosphere in which it grows. Therefore, writers often turn to the theme of the family, exploring the situation in which the hero grows and develops, and trying to understand it. Let us recall Fyodor Ivanovich Fonvizin’s play Nedorosl, I Goncharov’s novel Oblomov, LN Tolstoy’s novel-epic War and Peace, Bulgakov’s Days of Turbins, and others.

I want to consider the theme of the family on the material of Leo Tolstoy’s epic novel War and Peace. Tolstoy reveals the psychology of heroes, showing their attitude to other people and eternal human values: nature, art, love, family, their ability to self-denial. Tolstoy was always very serious about the problem of family relations. He believed that in the family the most important thing is peace, mutual understanding and love. In the novel “War and Peace” we get acquainted with the life of several noble families: Rostov, Bolkonsk, Kuragins.

A very friendly atmosphere in the Rostov family. It reigns love and respect for each other, sincerity and sensitivity, mindfulness and cordiality, moral purity. Rostovs are reasonable, hospitable, hospitable hosts. This family is patriarchal, folk traditions and customs are close to it. Let us recall how Natasha is dancing on Christmas holidays together with the mummers. Parents responsibly and lovingly treat the upbringing of their children and the orphans of Sonechka. Every member of this family is an individual. My son Nikolai is a selfless and brave man. He loves his parents very much. Natasha – sensitive, poetic, sincere, cordial. It is a lot of naive, childish. She has a kind heart and a sympathetic heart. During the fire in Moscow, she helps the wounded to leave the city, gives them carts. The life of others for her is higher than her own well-being.

She is a wonderful mother and wife. For Tolstoy she is the ideal woman. Petya is a bright and harmonious person. All children in the family grow up to be true patriots. Is he! and strive to be useful, necessary and loved. I believe that all people need to strive to create such an atmosphere in the family.

The Bolkonski family differs from the Rostov family. Reason reigns here, not emotions. Bolkonskie do not show their feelings openly, but they are close in spirit people. They are true patriots, love for the Motherland and their own lives are inseparable.

The Bolkonski family is described by Tolstoy with great sympathy. We see three generations of the family: Prince Nikolai Andreevich, his children Andrei and Marya, the grandson of Nikolyinka. The best spiritual qualities and character traits are transferred to this family from generation to generation. The old prince is a man of honor and duty. He is a participant in the campaigns of Suvorov, an honest, courageous warrior. For him, the main advantage of man – “mind and activity,” and the main vices – idleness and laziness. He is always busy with something: he manages the estate, does not oppress the peasants, works on the machine or in the garden, deals with his daughter (gives her lessons in algebra and geometry, developing her aspiration for knowledge and activity), writes memoirs. In children, he brings up high moral qualities. To the son Andrey speaks: “your road – a duke of honor”. And Prince Andrew honestly fulfills the order of his father, being on the front line, in the center of military operations, “where it is necessary for the Motherland”. Andrei Bolkonsky embodies the best features of noble youth. He is in constant moral search, strives for self-improvement, seeks the meaning of life. Passing through mistakes and errors, he gets rid of false ideals (the cult of Napoleon, for example), finds himself and his happiness (love of Natasha). Prince Andrew is a courageous and brave man. He dies defending his homeland. Princess Marya – a modest girl, brought up in great rigor. She knows how to understand her father and other people. The main feature of Mary – sacrifice: to live for others, for loved ones. She seems hesitant, timid, but at the right moment shows firmness (when her sense of patriotism is offended). Andrei Bolkonsky embodies the best features of noble youth. He is in constant moral search, strives for self-improvement, seeks the meaning of life. Passing through mistakes and errors, he gets rid of false ideals (the cult of Napoleon, for example), finds himself and his happiness (love of Natasha). Prince Andrew is a courageous and brave man. He dies defending his homeland. Princess Marya – a modest girl, brought up in great rigor. She knows how to understand her father and other people. The main feature of Mary – sacrifice: to live for others, for loved ones. She seems hesitant, timid, but at the right moment shows firmness (when her sense of patriotism is offended). Andrei Bolkonsky embodies the best features of noble youth. He is in constant moral search, strives for self-improvement, seeks the meaning of life. Passing through mistakes and errors, he gets rid of false ideals (the cult of Napoleon, for example), finds himself and his happiness (love of Natasha). Prince Andrew is a courageous and brave man. He dies defending his homeland. Princess Marya – a modest girl, brought up in great rigor. She knows how to understand her father and other people. The main feature of Mary – sacrifice: to live for others, for loved ones. She seems hesitant, timid, but at the right moment shows firmness (when her sense of patriotism is offended). he gets rid of false ideals (the cult of Napoleon, for example), finds himself and his happiness (love of Natasha). Prince Andrew is a courageous and brave man. He dies defending his homeland. Princess Marya – a modest girl, brought up in great rigor. She knows how to understand her father and other people. The main feature of Mary – sacrifice: to live for others, for loved ones. She seems hesitant, timid, but at the right moment shows firmness (when her sense of patriotism is offended). he gets rid of false ideals (the cult of Napoleon, for example), finds himself and his happiness (love of Natasha). Prince Andrew is a courageous and brave man. He dies defending his homeland. Princess Marya – a modest girl, brought up in great rigor. She knows how to understand her father and other people. The main feature of Mary – sacrifice: to live for others, for loved ones. She seems hesitant, timid, but at the right moment shows firmness (when her sense of patriotism is offended).

Ability to change internally and strive for self-improvement Tolstoy considered one of the most valuable properties of man. Tolstoy’s favorite heroes change, and the unloved – are static. They are always the same.

The family of the Kuragins is the exact opposite of the families of the Bolkonsky and Rostovs. What is this family? They are united only by blood relationship. They are not close in spirit, do not perceive each other as relatives. The old princess is jealous of her daughter.

Anatole and Helen are not related to each other. Prince Vasily – ambitious, dishonorable, inclined to intrigue man. He himself admits that he is deprived of the “bumps of parental love,” and children for him are “a burden to his existence.” Ippolit father attached to the diplomatic service, Anatoly’s rake wants to marry rich Princess Bolkonskaya. Helen surrounded Pierre Bezukhov. This family is inherent in many vices: meanness, hypocrisy, greed.

It is symbolic that the Kuragins do not have heirs, which means that this family has no future. Unfortunately, the question of the existence of such families is very relevant today, when for many people money obscures true feelings.

What conclusions does Tolstoy make? He wants to show that the family should be connected not only by kinship, but also by spiritual ties, then the family will live. Thus, the Bolkonski family continues. Andrew was killed, and his son Nikolyinka grows. And, of course, he can be raised in the Bolkonski family by a real man. L. N. Tolstoy shows that “family thought” is one of the main in the novel.

Times change, but a family for a person always remains the university of his soul. The thought of the great Tolstoy in the twentieth century was confirmed by the great teacher A. S. Makarenko: “It brings up everything… parents come first.”



