Category: Essays on literatuire

  • What is the tragedy of Martin Eden?

    “On the beach at night alone, As the old mother sways her to and fro Singing her husky song “. (At night by the sea one, Water, like an old mother, with a husky Song lulls the earth.) W. Whitman When this is the end of a person’s life, they always look for an explanation…

  • The problem of choice in the tragedy of W. Shakespeare’s “Hamlet”

    To be or not to be, that is the question. V. Shakespeare. Hamlet The tragedy of W. Shakespeare’s “Hamlet” is rightly recognized as one of the greatest philosophical tragedies, since it touches upon questions that for centuries worried thinking people: what is life and what is death? what is the cause of misfortunes and misfortunes…

  • Questions and answers to the story of J. London “Love of life”

    How did it happen that the hero of Jack London was left alone with the wild nature? What made a man pull himself together? Nature suppressed him with her greatness and indifference, but the desire to overcome fear and pain lifted man to his feet. He had to get rid of this annoying picture that…

  • The inner struggle of the protagonist and his insight

    Young and ambitious Julien Sorel seeks to make a career in a brutal, hostile society. To achieve this goal, he has no means and possibilities, except hypocrisy, whose “art” he is compelled to master in order to adapt to the hated environment. Constantly feeling surrounded by enemies, Julien closely monitors each step, acts all the…

  • “Here they are, these rich people…”

    Under Napoleon, a young man like Julien Sorel could quickly make a brilliant career. But the political winds at the moment when we meet with the young hero of Stendhal, blowing in a different direction. Julien Sorel repeatedly makes sure of this. “One day, walking alone in the seminar garden, he heard a conversation between…

  • The relevance of the image of the protagonist of the comedy Moliere “The philistine in the nobility”

    The desire of every person to break out in life – to become better, smarter, richer, completely understandable. It is worthy of respect for his desire to rise a step higher. The main thing here is not to look ridiculous, imitating only some external signs and remaining internally all at the same level. Here is…