Innovation of Ibsen the playwright. Its importance in the world literature

The play of G. Ibsen “Nora” sparked heated debates in the society, here and there a message was posted in the living rooms: “Please do not talk about the Doll House.” Actually, the new

The innovation of Ernest Hemingway’s prose

The greatest representative of the so-called “lost generation” is not accidentally considered Ernest Hemingway. His life experience was diverse, he was a participant of the First World War, the impression of which became his

The meaning of the title of the novel by H. Bell “The eyes of a clown”

German writer H. Belle belongs to the generation of writers who declared themselves immediately after the end of World War II. He was a member of “Group 47”. These prose writers gave voice to

Stages of the creative path of Charles Dickens

In the sixteen novels of Charles Dickens, in his numerous stories and essays, notes and essays, the reader is presented with a monumental image of England of the 30s and 70s. XIX century., Entered

“The last inch”

The story of D. Aldridge captured me very much, and I could not tear myself away from the book until I finished reading it. It seems to me that this story is not so

On the life and work of A. de Saint-Exupéry

The famous writer-pilot, a romanticist who defended humanistic ideals in the cockpit and at the desk, such Antoine de Saint-Exupery entered the history of the literature of the 20th century. “For me, flying and

Composition of rain

The weather began to spoil after lunch, most likely, it will rain. Dark clouds are slowly coming from the east. But the wind increases, and in twenty minutes they close the sun. Begin to

A friend is known in trouble story

Friends are almost everyone, regardless of age and sex. Since early childhood, the child is trying to build his relationships with peers in such a way that you can trust each other. When it

Chekhov and his works

In the late 80’s – early 90’s Chekhov refuses a humorous approach to life and turns to problems of a socio-political nature. The characters of heroes are made more acute. He exposes the dull,

Feature of Hemingway’s creative manner

Who is the personality of this writer for us, which causes a rather contradictory attitude to himself? In the early twentieth century, he was for the soldiers “the father of Hemingway,” and who is
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