It’s no secret that at present English is the most popular and widespread language in the world. There are many reasons for this. Firstly, it is the language of English literature and Shakespeare. Secondly, it has become really important in such areas as tourism, business, medicine, education, information technology, jurisprudence, etc. Thirdly, the English language is melodic and practical in studying. In addition, knowledge of English opens up infinite opportunities in career development and training.
Many international students go to English-speaking countries to improve their knowledge and conversational skills. They know that this guarantees their future career development, because almost all modern spheres of commerce and business are based on English. As a high school student, I fully understand this, so I try to improve my language skills in every possible way. I started to learn English since I was five. I was always interested in learning new words. I had good teachers who further developed my interest. When I was in high school, a group of English students came to our school.
I thought it was a good chance to practice my conversational skills. At first it was not easy, but gradually I began to understand everything that they were saying and began to respond with short phrases. During this educational exchange, I made many friends, with whom I still maintain contact. At the moment I am a senior high school student and I know what profession I’m going to choose in the future. I would really like to become an interpreter. It will be difficult to pass the exams in English, but I will try my best. I am sure that these skills will be useful to me in the future.