Composition on the theme “Winter Forest”
Among the unforgettable beauties of nature, you can especially highlight the beautiful view of the winter forest. People living in the area where there is a forest like to spend time in this wonderful place in the winter. Clean and fresh air, singing winter birds, fluffy snow, all this is unforgettable.
The trees are covered with hoarfrost in the winter, which makes them tender and unusual. The sensation of silence, rest and some kind of unreality, does not leave a person who walks through the forest in the winter. It is especially interesting to study the traces of animals in the snow. Only experienced foresters can distinguish the track of one beast from another, they know exactly the markings of hare paws, foxes and other animals.
In sunny weather, the snow sparkles and sparkles, people feel like in a fairy tale, enjoying an incredible view. Very beautiful look the red brush of mountain ash on the background of the snow-covered cover of the winter forest. Birds and animals are very fond of eating such gifts of nature, with pleasure eating delicious winter treats.
A person who finds himself in the woods in the winter, it seems that silence reigns here, however, the life of local inhabitants is in full swing. Squirrels scurry from branch to branch, collecting cones and other food. Woodpeckers are chattering, searching for hidden insects under the bark of trees, wolves and foxes prowl in search of prey. Many animals sleep in the winter, and those who are awake, make every effort to feed themselves.
Any person should spend their free time in the winter forest, breathe fresh and clean air, enjoy peace and think about life without being distracted by the bustle of the big city and its inhabitants.
Solitude and peace, this is what everyone needs, to find harmony and peace of mind, quite possibly in the winter forest, enjoying beauty and soundlessness. The opportunity to visit the forest in winter, there is for anyone, it is important to see such beauty at least once in life, and then the desire to return will be permanent.