Remarkable is “Portrait of NI Petrunkevich” by artist N. Ge. A young woman is reading a book by the open window in the garden. Peace, silence, but this calm is only apparent. In the deep shadows, in the silence of the old house, in the heavy folds of the dress, in the silhouette of the woman, tension is elusively hidden.
Outside the window is life. The transparent glare of the sun slides along the path, which calls us into the depths of the garden, into the green coolness of the trees. Quiet… The pages of the book rustled; the woman sighed; a breeze ran; the leaves whispered.
Somewhere in the azure high, the summer sun shines brightly, somewhere in the spacious steppe a free wind is buzzing. Somewhere life is boiling, and in. the old house is still. The clock struck. The parquet cracked, someone walked about the room. A barely noticeable, slightly sad smile illuminates a young face.
The subtlest intonations of feelings are captured by a wise artist. And this wisdom is passed on to us. We begin to roam along the shady avenues of the garden with Nikolai Ge, admiring his beauty. We begin to see better the wonderful world surrounding us. We learn from the painter kindness, we join the feeling of beauty.
Composition on the picture of Ge “Portrait of Petrunkevich”