Composition on “Favorite Hero”

Every person, I think, should have a favorite literary hero, which he constantly remembers, tries to be not like him. Talking about your favorite hero is best when he made an unforgettable impression, left a deep mark in memory. I believe that my favorite hero is a person who treats people kindly, with kindness and understanding, and acts fairly and honestly towards them. All these qualities have existed for a very long time, so they could not ignore my hero, because without them there is neither love, nor friendship, nor mutual understanding. So, my favorite hero is a principled, honest, open and kind person.

Vladimir Ustimenko I consider my favorite hero. I learned about him in detail from the first book of the trilogy by J. Herman “The Case You Serve”. The author showed disturbing prewar years in the novel, told about the youth of the main hero Vladimir Ustimenko, about his choice of his path. In addition, Yu Herman spoke about Volodya’s older friends who influenced the formation of this remarkable doctor and person.

My favorite hero is my ideal, a spiritual mentor who mentally supports me in various matters. Vladimir was such a man for whom medicine was in the forefront, in the first place among other sciences. For him, apart from the “business to which he served,” nothing more existed. Without medicine, his life would be boring and meaningless.

It all began as a child. Volodya first began to master knowledge of medicine. He studied biology, chemistry, collected anatomical atlases, and once tried to buy a skeleton from a man in the store. In his room hung a painting by Rembrandt “The lesson of anatomy.”

Visiting an anatomical circle, Volodya cognized all the secret secrets and secrets of this science. Gradually accumulated knowledge he managed to apply in one terrible situation. Volodya had to provide medical assistance to the shepherd dog. “He tore off his shirt and began to ungainly put a tourniquet on the stump.” This act required great courage and resourcefulness, because not everyone could not get confused in this situation.

Further, the author writes that in the first year of the institute Volodya read many books on surgery, which brought him closer and related to him and medicine. Having finished the institute. Volodya worked for the ambulance. The story was especially struck by the hero, which he remembered for life. One evening Volodya had to help the sick Belyakov. “For a second or two he looked into Belyakov’s face, then ordered to give him sugar.” After several injections, he “gave life” to an almost hopeless patient.

Professionalism Volodya manifested itself in Khare settlement. The young doctor was not looking for easy ways, easy victory in life, and therefore agreed to a trip to the village of Kharu. Here Volodya “erected his first real hospital with an outpatient clinic and an operating room.” Vladimir always tried to alleviate the sufferings of the sick. He was one of the first doctors in the village to start making complicated operations. Never a doctor retreated before difficulties. He saved a hopeless sick Tush, who later began working in this hospital. I think that this example speaks of the indifference of my hero. Volodya really served people, giving himself to his favorite business. Among the inhabitants of the village there was a rumor about “what an amazing doctor lives in Khara”. Volodya’s conscience was always clear, because he fought for every patient.

I am fascinated in this man by the fact that he achieved everything himself, made a brilliant career, which was not an end in itself. The main thing for Vladimir was the health of people.

I sympathize with him as a person, I admire his high professionalism, that’s why I consider Vladimir Ustimenko my favorite hero.



