Complication of the social structure in the Middle Ages

Over time, society developed, an increasingly prominent role in medieval life begins to play cities and, accordingly, artisans and merchants, who in the scheme of the medieval classes did not find a place. Subsequently, the townspeople were ranked in the third estate, the skeleton of which nevertheless was the peasantry.

In the life of the knights, there have also been changes. Gradually they lose their exceptional position in military affairs. The inventions of gunpowder and firearms reduced the need for chivalry. Especially since the kings began to attract mercenary troops. To replace the vassal, who served his lord, comes the Court, who makes a career in the service of the king. So in the XIV-XV centuries. formed by the Nobility. For the nobility, the basic life principle was observance of high moral and ethical principles. We are talking about inherited from their glorious ancestors traits such as loyalty, loyalty to the king, courage, sincerity, dignity, sophisticated rules of conduct. Nobles considered themselves to be exceptional people, “cream of society”. They avoided physical labor and considered it indecent to engage in trade. The main source of income for them were peasant rents.



