Burgerry in medieval Europe

The townspeople were divided into burghers and non-burghers. By Burghers from the XI-XIII centuries. called full-fledged townspeople who elected and could be elected to the organs of city government. Only one who had a mansion or a workshop in the city became a Burgess. All other townspeople belonged to the non-burghers: servants of burghers, apprentices, clerks, servants, beggars, and others.

The burghers consisted of patricians, that is, the city tops, and craftsmen. The patricians included large landowners, wealthy merchants, families of wealthy masters. They considered themselves almost a navel of the earth, in their way of life and behavior, imitating knights. But unlike real seniors, they lived not from the labor of dependent peasants, but from incomes from trade, usury, collection of customs duties, that is, from what the “noble” nobility neglected. Therefore, no matter how proud the merchantry was, the others, especially the people of intellectual labor, treated him contemptuously.

The beginning of the XVI century. From the work of the writer and scholar Erasmus of Rotterdam “The Praise of Stupidity”

Stupid and gazhe from all merchant breeds, for merchants set themselves the most vile goal and reach it with disgusting means: they always lie, fear, steal, cheat, inflate and at the same time they think themselves the first people in the world only because their fingers are decorated with gold rings. Turn around them flattering brother monks, who they admire, loudly call them venerable, hoping to get a small fraction of dishonestly acquired wealth.

The patriciate almost until the XIV century. held in their hands the organs of municipal government – the city council and the court.

XV century. From the Nuremberg statute on the poor

After the venerable council… found out that there are beggars and beggars who behave wickedly, unseemly and indecently, and that some people are begging in Nuremberg, although they do not need it.. our gentlemen from the council decide that neither one burgher or burgher, guest or guest is not allowed to beg in Nuremberg either day or night if they have not been granted permission from the honorable council. Those who receive this permission can ask for charity if they openly wear a sign that will be given to them. Who will ask for charity without permission or without a sign, he will be banished from Nuremberg for a whole year, he will lose the right to approach him at a distance of one mile…

Among the townspeople there were many beggars, and the number of them increased. Beggars in the cities were not only those who really had nothing to live on, but also those who liked it. The “fathers” of the city fought begging mostly through its restrictions and prohibitions.



