Biography Zhukov Dmitry Anatolyevich

(p. 1927)

Zhukov Dmitry Anatolyevich – novelist, literary critic, translator. He was born on August 20, 1927 in Grozny in the family of an oil engineer. A descendant of an ancient noble family, who gave Russia a voivode, governors, governors, diplomats and writers. In December 1944 he voluntarily joined the ranks of the Soviet Army. In April
1945 he was wounded on the 2nd Ukrainian Front. In 1947 he graduated from the Kiev Military School of Communications, served as commander of a platoon and company in the city of Nikolaev. After graduating from the Military Institute of Foreign Languages ​​(1949-1954), he enlisted in the order of the General Staff, served abroad and in Moscow until 1960. He has military and government awards. Honored Worker of Culture of the Russian Federation. Laureate of the awards “Golden Pen” and “Silver Lira”. Active and honorary member of several academies.
Since 1955, Zhukov has been engaged in the translation of Serbian, English and American classics and contemporary literature. In total, he published about a hundred translation books (Nusic, Glišić, Galsworthy, Wells, Conan Doyle, Darrell, Jack London, Steinbeck, Simak, Bradbury, etc.). Refusing to join the Communist Party, Zhukov was removed from foreign missions, was engaged in the algorithm of translation from English into Russian, which is still in effect in computer programs. Upon dismissal from the army, he wrote several scientific and artistic books about his work, many stories, historical chronicles, essays, articles, and philological works.
With the growth of national self-consciousness, Zhukov captures the struggle against destructive tendencies towards Russian culture. He, along with other writers, artists, historians, participated in the 60’s. the last century in the creation of the All-Russian Society for the Protection of Monuments of History and Culture and the “Russian Club” with him.
The flowering of creativity of Dmitry Anatolyevich Zhukov falls on the 1970s. Overcoming the resistance of ideological bodies, he publishes the biographies of the archpriest Avvakum (197Z) and the contemporary collector of ancient manuscripts of VI Malyshev (1978), combining the “Firefire” into the dialog, which aroused the widest interest among patriotically minded readers and critics, translated into foreign languages. One after the other follows the story of the Yugoslav playwright Branislav Nusiche, the artist Vereshchagin and General Skobelev, Leo Tolstoy and Griboyedov, the fighter Poddubny and the Abkhazian long-liver Arshba, the novel-mystification “Kozma Prutkov and his friends”, works on the translation art and biographical genre. Zhukov’s stories and essays were annually noted in magazines as the best works of the year.
Critic ON Mikhailov wrote: “The pen of Dmitry Zhukov has a rare feature: it revitalizes everything that touches. The most unlike, polar figures, the most distant genres submit to this cheerful and precise pen, this sturdy talented hand. the subject of love for Russia, old and new, serves as a patriotic theme, the theme of love for Russia, the old and the new. In the artistic searches of the writer, the unifying beginning was the desire to expand the channel of the traditional forms of the biographical genre, he catches such connections that attach to his biographies omannuyu even dramatic a plot, while making a biography of his hero the fact their own, internal, intimate life, going with him, not only in a geographical journey, but in the “journey of the soul.”
However, the Literary Gazette (1979) and other influential press organs criticized Zhukov for “deviating from the principles of Marxism-Leninism,” which the writer never adhered to. “Pravda” (1983) wrote about his book “On the Seven Hills” (1981), that “here unbridled hymns to the saints of Sergius Radonezhsky, Paphnutius Borovekom… are spent… a conclusion is made about the inseparable connection of the cult and culture in the past,” and demanded “to create a reliable barrier to such publications. ” It was in this book that Dmitry Zhukov’s articles on an ugly attitude to the monuments of Russian history and culture, monasteries, churches, places connected with the life of the great Russian writers were collected.
Nevertheless, the destroyers are not yet omnipotent, and almost every year Zhukov’s biographical books were published and among them – about such polar figures as AK Tolstoy and B. Savinkov, collections of sketches, critical articles and essays, the collected works of the classics were prepared and extensive publications about the works and days of VV Shulgin.
In the 1990s, in sharp opposition to the plutocratic regime, Zhukov spoke extensively, was co-chairman of the Slavic Written Language and Culture Foundation, chairman of the Russian-Serbian Friendship Society, as he was arrested for organizing a demonstration against the US bombing of Belgrade on April 13, 1994. Currently, Zhukov continues his work in biographical and journalistic genres. Lives in Moscow.
Biography from the magazine “ROMAN-GAZETA” No. 9, 2004.

Biography Zhukov Dmitry Anatolyevich