(1887 – 1941)
Severyanin Igor (real name – Lotarev) Igor Vasilyevich (1887 – 1941), a poet.
Born May 4 (16 N. p.) In St. Petersburg in the family of a retired staff captain, a cultural family, who loved literature and music, especially opera (“I heard Sobinov at least forty times”). From the age of nine he wrote poetry.
He spent his youth years in the estate “Soyvole” not far from Cherepovets Novgorod province, where he graduated from four classes of a real school. Then he went with his father to Port Dalny. The North awakened inspiration in the soul of the future poet (hence his pseudonym – Severyanin).
Returning in 1904 to his mother, she lived with her in Gatchina. The young poet sent his poetic experiments on various editions, regularly returning back. However, in 1905 the poem “The Death of Rurik” was published,
The first poet who welcomed the appearance of the ‘Severian in poetry’ was K. Fofanov (1907), the second – V. Bryusov (1911). From 1905 to 1912 Severyanin published 35 poetry collections (mainly in provincial editions). True fame came to him after the publication of the collection “Thunderous Cup” (1913). In the same year he began to give his own poet-concerts, made his first tour around Russia together with Sologub.
Then followed other collections of poems Severyanin – “Zlatorol” (1914), “Pineapples in Champagne” (1915), etc., many times republished. Evenings of the poet passed with great success, which contributed to his performing gift. B. Pasternak. recalled: “… On the stage before the revolution, Mayakovski’s rival was Igor Severyanin…”
The ties between the Lotarev family and the Estonian land were long-standing: the father of the poet, his brothers, studied here. For the first time Severyanin visited these places (Toila settlement) in 1912, then often rested there in the summer months.
In 1918 he transferred a sick mother there. After a short visit to Moscow, where he was elected “King of Poets” at an evening at the Polytechnic Museum, he returned to Toila. The occupation by the Germans of Estonia (in March 1918), the formation of an independent republic (1920) cut it off from Russia. He lived almost without a family in the village with his wife – a poetess and translator, Felissa Kruut.
Being in exile, he continued to write. He published collections of poems “Verwena” (1920), “Minstrel” (1921), a novel in verse “The Fallen Aspiration”, etc. Published an anthology of Estonian classical poetry. The government helped the Northerner by awarding a subsidy. Last years he lived hard, alone.
The accession of Estonia to the Soviet Union in 1940 aroused in him hopes for the publication of his poems, the possibility of traveling around the country. The disease prevented the implementation of not only these plans, but even the departure from Estonia, when the war began.
December 22, 1941 Severyanin died in the fascist-occupied Tallinn.
A short biography from the book: Russian writers and poets. A short biographical dictionary. Moscow, 2000.
Biography Severyanin Igor