Biography Panova Vera Fedorovna


Panova Vera Fedorovna (1905 – 1973), prose writer, playwright, screenwriter.
She was born on March 7 (20th century) in Rostov-on-Don. In his early childhood, having lost his father, Panova lived a difficult working childhood. I was engaged in self-education, I wrote poems from my youth.
At the age of 17 she worked in the editorial office of the Rostov newspaper Trudovoi Don.
In 1926-27, under the pseudonym Vera Veltman, she wrote feuilletons, being the leading department of the feuilleton in the newspaper Sovetsky Yug.
Until the mid-1930s, she worked in children’s newspapers and magazines in Rostov (“Leninskie voshchata”, “Koster”, “Horn”).
In 1940, Panova moved to Leningrad, where, after the outbreak of the war, she was evacuated to Perm, where she worked in newspapers and on radio.
The first story was written in 1945 – “Family Pirozhkovs” (in the new edition of 1959 – “Evdokia”). During the war, Panova made several flights to the front in the military sanitary train, the impressions of which served as the actual basis of the story “Satellites”, which was published in 1946 (State Prize of the USSR, 1947).
In 1947, the novel “Kruzhilikha” published about the people of a large Ural plant of the war years, which provoked a lively discussion.
In subsequent years, Panova wrote a number of novels and novels: “Clear Coast” (1949), “Sentimental Novel” (1958), “The Seasons” (1953).
In 1955 the story “Seryozha” opens a series of works by Panova on children: Valya, Volodya, Boy and Girl, and others.
In the mid-1960s he turned to the genre of the historical story. The stories “Legends about Olga” and “Legends about Feodosia” are taken from the chronicle history of Kievan Rus. In the story “Who dies” (1965) describes the end of the reign of Basil III. The cycle of historical novels “Faces at the dawn” (1966).
A special place in the work of Panova is played by drama: “Snowstorm” (1957), “Seeing off White Nights” (1961), “It’s Not Evening” (1965), etc. On the basis of Panova’s author’s dramatizations and scenarios, the films “Seryozha”, ” Evdokiya “,” Leap Year “,” Train of Mercy “,” Early in the morning “,” Boy and Girl “, etc. V. Panova died in 1973 in Leningrad.
A short biography from the book: Russian writers and poets. A short biographical dictionary. Moscow, 2000.

Biography Panova Vera Fedorovna