Biography Osetrov Eugene Ivanovich

(17.07.1923 – 19.07.1993)

Osetrov Eugene Ivanovich (July 17, 1923, Kostroma – July 19, 1993, Moscow). He grew up in a family of librarians. In 1938, for his first verses, he received a letter signed by K. Chukovsky. In 1941 he was drafted into the army. He fought in the Smolensk region. He served as a signalman. Participated in the crossing of the Desna and the Dnieper. In March 1943, he was seriously wounded. An interesting detail. During the war, Nikolai Rylenkov unexpectedly drew attention to Osetroff’s materials. Not yet knowing Osetrova personally, but introducing him as a scribe, the well-known poet gave the name of Osetra to the hero of one of the poems, who was in love with literature. Demobilized in 1944 in the rank of captain, he returned to Kostroma. The first story “Underground Treasures” was released in Vladimir in 1951. After graduating in 1953, Litinstitute was invited to work in the newspaper “Pravda”. In 1958 he became deputy editor-in-chief of the weekly “Literature and Life”. After graduating from the Academy of Social Sciences of the Central Committee of the CPSU in 1968, he was sent to the first deputy editor of the journal “Questions of Literature.” In 1970 he became chairman of the book lovers’ club in the Central House of Writers. In 1973 he organized the “Almanac of the Bibliophile”, releasing 28 issues. Very well knew modern Russian poetry, wrote books about the life and work of M, Isakovsky and N. Rylenkov. Before his death he completed the “Tale of the Great Andrei” about Rublev, which has not yet been published. In 1970 he became chairman of the book lovers’ club in the Central House of Writers. In 1973 he organized the “Almanac of the Bibliophile”, releasing 28 issues. Very well knew modern Russian poetry, wrote books about the life and work of M, Isakovsky and N. Rylenkov. Before his death he completed the “Tale of the Great Andrei” about Rublev, which has not yet been published. In 1970 he became chairman of the book lovers’ club in the Central House of Writers. In 1973 he organized the “Almanac of the Bibliophile”, releasing 28 issues. Very well knew modern Russian poetry, wrote books about the life and work of M, Isakovsky and N. Rylenkov. Before his death he completed the “Tale of the Great Andrei” about Rublev, which has not yet been published.

Biography Osetrov Eugene Ivanovich