Historically, in our country there is an opinion that all bankers, as well as any other representatives of related financial activities, have made their fortune “unfair”, deceiving ordinary people. However, the biography of Yuri Alekseevich Solovyov proves to be the opposite of that confirmation.
How to become a banker?
The boy was born on 13.04.1970 in Mongolia, in an ordinary Russian family. I finished school in Ulaanbaatar. There were no opportunities for obtaining a prestigious education, so after graduating from high school, Yuri Alexeyevich goes to Moscow to enter the university.
In 1994 he left the walls of the Moscow Institute of National Economy named Plekhanov with a diploma confirming the receipt of higher economic education. The young economist goes to work in Inkombank, starting climbing the career ladder from the position of an ordinary dealer. A little later, Soloviev gets the opportunity to become a senior dealer.
Then, in 1996, Yuri Alexeyevich Solovyov moved to London, where he received the position of an analyst, and later became executive director of the branch of the bank Lehman Brothers. There was an opportunity and to raise the status: by 2002 the banker receives an MBA degree, having finished the London business school.
In the same year, a successful businessman and manager becomes the director of Europe’s largest Deutsche Bank AG, and then occupies the chair of the head of the investment department of the organization.
In 2008, a radical change in the professional activity of Yuri Alekseevich Soloviev comes: he is appointed president of VTB Capital CJSC in Russia. It was during this period that the corporation is developing its own investment bank. Negotiations on the purchase of smaller domestic banks were held for a long time, but this path did not lead to anything. The opportunity to create your own investment bank appeared originally in London, based on VTB Europe. The first head of the new investment bank is Yury Solovyov.
Thanks to his activities, VTB Bank has been beginning to receive fabulously high profits since 2011, and Soloviev himself becomes the richest manager of Russia in the version of Forbes. His condition was estimated in 2011 in the amount of 25 million rubles.
Today, Yuri Solovyov holds the post of First Deputy Chairman of the Board of VTB Bank. In addition, he is a member of the Presidential reserve of management personnel, and is also a member of the Board of Directors of a number of large domestic financial corporations.
It is worth noting and the fact that in 2008 it was Soloviev who took the leading position in the rating of the best investors in the world.