Vladimir Vladimirovich Nabokov is a writer.
Vladimir Nabokov was born on April 10, 1899 in St. Petersburg in the family of a famous politician. Aristocratic family way of life in the biography of Nabokov favored the study of foreign languages from an early age. At first Vladimir studied at the Petersburg Tenishev School. During the training he wrote poetry, was carried away by studying insects. The first collection of poems in the biography of Vladimir Nabokov was published on his own money.
Further education Nabokov received in Cambridge, where, in addition to writing poems, he was engaged in translation. After the murder of his father, Vladimir settled in Berlin, began to publish his stories. The first novel in the biography of Vladimir Vladimirovich Nabokov was completed in 1927. Later, together with his wife Vera Slonim moved to Paris, and then to the US. After that I began to write in English. Nabokov lectured at American universities, traveled. The novel “Lolita” introduced to the biography of Vladimir Nabokov world fame.
After returning from the US to Europe, Nabokov stopped in Switzerland. There, the writer created his last works. Other famous novels and novels by Nabokov: “The Spies”, “Feat”, “Despair”, “Gift”, “Other Shores”, “Pale Flame” and many others.
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Biography of Vladimir Nabokov