Biography of Steve Prefontaine

Steve Prefontaine is a runner, born January 25, 1951 in Cus Bay, Oregon. Biography of Steve Prefontaine is best known as the history of the Oregon star.

Charismatic, handsome, self-confident Steve Prefontaine was one of the leading American runners in the 1970s. He won seven championships of the National Student Sports Association while studying at the University of Oregon from 1969 to 1973. Of these, three wins were in cross-country running, two at a distance of three miles.

At the 1972 Olympics in Munich, the athlete finished fourth at a distance of 500 m. For his biography, Perfontaine set more than a dozen American records at distances from 2000 m to 6 miles. In 1975, he died suddenly during a car accident in Eugene, Oregon.

Additional information: Prefontaine’s story was told in two films: “Prefontaine”, “Without Limits”. His life was also discussed in the documentary “Fire on the Track” in 1995. The coach athlete in Oregon was Bill Bowerman. In 1974, Prefontaine became the first athlete to sign a contract with Nike.

Biography of Steve Prefontaine