Biography of Sir Donald Bradman

Sir Donald George Bradman is an Australian cricketer, was born in the city of Cootamundra. Sir Donald George Bradman is best known as one of the greatest cricket players, and also as an outstanding athlete.

His career as a player in cricket lasted 20 years, and began in 1928. It was then that Bradman joined the Australian national team. During the years 1930-1940 he was the sports hero of Australia, set many records, was leading in cricket.

Bradman had the highest scores, his average hit percentage was 99.94 for one serve the ball. In 1949, in the biography of Sir Donald George Bradman, knight initiation took place.

His autobiography was written in 1930. The work “How to play cricket” was screened in 1931, and the book was published in 1935. The book “The Art of Cricket” was published in 1958, “Bradman’s Albums” – in 1987. Biographies of Donald George Bradman were written by such authors as A. Moyes, M Paige, Williams, Morris.



