Alexander Ivanovich Kuprin – the famous Russian writer-realist, received popular recognition. The author of such famous works as: “Duel”, “Pomegranate Bracelet”, “Olesya”, which deservedly entered the golden fund of Russian literature.
Early years
Alexander Kuprin was born on August 26, 1870 in the town of Narovchat in a small family of a small official.
1871 was difficult in the biography of Kuprin – his father died, and the distressed family moved to Moscow.
Learning and the beginning of the creative path
At the age of six, Kuprin was sent to the class of the Moscow Orphan School, from which he left in 1880. After that, Alexander Ivanovich studied at the military academy, the Aleksandrovsky military school. The training time is described in such works by Kuprin as: “At the Turn”, “Junker”. “The last debut” – the first published story Kuprin.
Since 1890 he was a lieutenant in the infantry regiment. During the service, many essays, stories, novels were published: “Inquiry”, “Moonlight Night”, “In the Dark”.
The flowering of creativity
Four years later, Kuprin retired. After that, the writer travels a lot around Russia, tries himself in different professions. At this time, Alexander Ivanovich met Ivan Bunin, Anton Chekhov and Maxim Gorky. His stories of those times Kuprin builds on the life impressions, gleaned during the wanderings.
Brief stories of Kuprin cover many subjects: military, social, love. The story “Duel” brought Alexander Ivanovich a real success. Love in the work of Kuprin is most vividly described in the story “Olesya”, which was the first major and one of his most beloved works, and the tale of unrequited love – “Garnet Bracelet”.
Alexander Kuprin also liked to write stories for children. For children’s reading he wrote works “Elephant”, “Starlings”, “White Poodle” and many others.
Emigration and the last years of life
For Alexander Ivanovich Kuprin, life and work are inseparable. Without accepting the policy of war communism, the writer emigrated to France. Even after the emigration in the biography of Alexander Kuprin, the writer’s ardor does not cease, he writes stories, stories, many articles and essays. Despite this, Kuprin lives in material need and yearns for home. Only 17 years later he returned to Russia. Then the last essay of the writer – the work “Moscow native” is published.
After a serious illness, Kuprin dies on August 25, 1938. The writer was buried at the Volkov cemetery in Leningrad, next to the grave of Ivan Turgenev.
Interesting Facts
- Kuprin had a Tatar roots over his mother, which was very proud. At the peak of his fame, he sometimes liked to dress up in a Tatar gown and a skullcap, and walk this way to public places and to friends. Before becoming a writer, Alexander Ivanovich Kuprin managed to master a variety of professions. Among them – work in a circus and advertising agency. He was also an actor, journalist, teacher, surveyor, fisherman. He was interested in everything, and every time I wanted to try myself in a new business. In total, for his life Kuprin changed about 20 professions. Kuprin’s first wife, Maria Karlovna, noticed the writer’s lack of order and lack of organization, which she fought uninterruptedly: after discovering Alexander Ivanovich sleeping during working hours, he deprived him of breakfast; I did not let my husband go home without the new chapters of the story he was working on. The very first monument to the writer was erected in the Crimean village of Balaklava in 2009. Kuprin, being a kind and partial person to other people’s destinies, helped to hide the sailors, the participants of the Ochakovo uprising, from the shootings in 1905. In connection with which, this monument was erected. In 1918 he appealed to Lenin with a proposal to create a newspaper for the village – “Earth.”
Biography of Kuprin