Biography of Jane Austen

Jane Austen is an English writer born in the family of a priest.

The first 25 years of her biography, Jane Austen, was held in Stephenton, in the home of her father, a parish priest in Hampshire.

Here were written her first novels: “Pride and Prejudice,” “Reason and Senses,” “Northanger Abbey,” although they have not been published for a very long time.

After her father’s retirement in 1801, the family moved to Bath for a few years and then to Southampton, and settled in a small house near Alton, in Hampshire. This place remained home to Jane for the rest of her life.

“Northanger Abbey” – a satire in the Gothic-romantic style, was sold to the publisher for 10 pounds in 1803, but was not published, and then was bought back by family members, and was eventually published posthumously.

The novels published during Jane Austen’s life were Mind and Feelings, Pride and Prejudice, Mansfield Park and Emma.

The novel “Arguments of the mind” was released in 1818 together with the Northanger Abbey. The writer’s name did not appear on any of the titles of her books, and although her own friends knew about her authorship, she almost did not receive public recognition during her lifetime.

The novels of Jane Austen are comedies of mores that describe the self-sufficient world of provincial ladies and gentlemen. Most of her works revolve around the delicate matter of involving husbands for the marriage of daughters.

Jane ridicules stupidity, pretense and dullness, having ironic reasoning, ranging from easy portraits in her early works, and to more contemptuous demonstrations in her later novels.

Her works were subjected to the most thorough grinding. Jane is fully aware of her unsurpassed skill and limitations, comparing herself to the miniaturist.

Today she is considered one of the greatest masters of English novels. Small works of Jane Austen include youth works, the novel “Lady Susan” and fragments of “Sandton”.



