Alexander Sergeevich Griboyedov – a personality that is multifaceted and talented. He is a poet and musician, playwright and brilliant diplomat. His genius comedy “Woe from Wit” brought him popularity and immortality.
January 15, 1790 in Moscow in the family of a retired major was born Alexander Sergeevich Griboyedov. The biography of this man is full of mysteries and mysteries. Even the exact date of his birth is unknown. The father of the future writer was a man of little education. The mother, who was a famous pianist and noble lady, was engaged in the upbringing of children. Thanks to her, the writer received a wonderful home education.
Griboyedov was lucky since childhood with teachers and educators. His tutors were Petrosilius and Bogdan Ivanovich Ion – people, talented and famous. Therefore, as a child, the future playwright knew several foreign languages, he learned to play the piano. In 1802 he entered the Moscow University Boarding School. His further education is followed by Professor Boule. The young man perfectly studies, receives awards and in 13 years becomes the candidate of verbal sciences.
As a student he began to get involved in literature, he was a regular participant in literary meetings. At the same time, Griboedov’s first writings were written.
However, the most interesting facts of the biography of the writer conceal in himself mature years of life.
Military service
Quite strange was the decision of a brilliantly educated young man to choose a military career. In 1812, with the outbreak of the Patriotic War, Griboyedov’s life changed a lot. He joined the regiment of Count Saltykov. Alexander Sergeevich did not manage to take part in the hostilities, and he resigns.
Life in the capital
In 1817, he entered the service at the St. Petersburg State Collegium of Foreign Affairs. The fascination with literature and theater brings Griboyedov closer to many famous people. He gets acquainted with Kiichelbeker and Pushkin. Having entered the Masonic box, he communicates with Pestel, Chaadayev, Benckendorff. Intrigues, gossip of secular society overshadowed this period of life. The shaken financial situation forced the writer to leave his service.
In the Caucasus
Since 1818, Alexander Sergeevich Griboyedov has served as secretary to the Russian embassy in Persia. Responsible for the public service, he simultaneously studies languages and literature about the culture of the East. As part of the Russian mission in 1819 Griboyedov continues to serve in Tabriz. For successful negotiations with the Persians, which resulted in the release of captured Russian soldiers, he was presented to the award. A successful diplomatic career does not prevent the writer from doing his favorite thing. It was here that the first pages of the immortal comedy “Woe from Wit” were written.
In 1823 Griboedov came to Moscow and continues to work on a comedy. To print his work, the writer goes to Petersburg. But he was disappointed: it was not possible to publish the comedy completely or to put it on the stage of the theater. The work of the readers, they admired him, but this did not suit Alexander Sergeevich.
Relationship with the Decembrists
To distract from sad thoughts, Griboyedov goes to Kiev. The meeting with friends led him to the Decembrist camp. For participation in the uprising, he was arrested and held in custody for six months.
Last years of life
The defeat of the Decembrist uprising, the tragic fate of the comrades had a detrimental effect on Griboedov’s state of mind. He anticipates his death and constantly talks about it.
In 1826, the government needed an experienced diplomat, as Russia’s relations with Turkey worsen. A great writer was appointed to this post.
On his way to his place of destination in Tiflis Alexander Sergeyevich married the young princess Chavchavadze.
His happiness was short-lived. The death of Griboyedov caught up shortly after his arrival in Tehran. On January 30, 1829, the Russian embassy was attacked. Heroically defending himself, the writer died.
Brief biography Griboyedov is not able to give a complete picture of the life of the great writer. During his short life he created several works: “Student”, “Young Spouses”, “Fake Infidelity”. However, his most famous work is a comedy in verse “Woe from Wit”. Creativity Griboyedov is small, many plans were not destined to come true, but his name will remain forever in the memory of the people.
Biography of Griboedov