Biography of Gorky

Maxim Gorky is a famous Russian writer and playwright, the author of works on revolutionary themes, the founder of socialist realism, the nominee for the Nobel Prize in Literature. He spent many years in exile.

Early years

Born March 16, 1868 in Nizhny Novgorod in a wealthy family carpenter. The real name of Maxim Gorky is Alexei Maksimovich Peshkov. His parents died early, and little Alexei stayed with his grandfather. The mentor in the literature was his grandmother, who conducted her grandson in the world of folk poetry. He wrote about it briefly, but with great tenderness: “In those years I was filled with grandmother’s verses like a hive with honey, I think I thought in the forms of her poems.”

Gorky’s childhood was spent in harsh, difficult conditions. From an early age, the future writer was forced to engage in part-time work, earning a living than he had to.

Training and the beginning of literary activity

In Gorky’s life, only two years were devoted to study at the Nizhny Novgorod School. Then, because of poverty, he went to work, but constantly engaged in self-study. 1887 was one of the most difficult in Gorky’s biography. Because of the setbacks, he tried to commit suicide, nevertheless, he survived.

Traveling around the country, Gorky propagandized the revolution, for which he was taken under the supervision of the police, and then arrested for the first time in 1888.

The first printed story of Gorky’s “Makar Chudra” was published in 1892. Then, published in 1898, the works in two volumes, “Essays and stories,” brought the writer fame.

In 1900-1901 he wrote the novel “Three”, met Anton Chekhov and Leo Tolstoy.

In 1902 he was awarded the title of a member of the Imperial Academy of Sciences, but on the orders of Nicholas II was soon declared invalid.

Among the famous works of Gorky are: the story “The Old Woman Isergil”, the plays “The Mesto” and “At the Bottom,” the novels “Childhood” and “In People”, the novel “The Life of Klim Samgin”, which the author has not finished, as well as many cycles stories.

Gorky also wrote fairy tales for children. Among them: “Tale of Ivan the Fool”, “Sparrow”, “Samovar”, “Tales of Italy” and others. var random_number = Math. random; if {var block_id = “ra-188150-16”; } else {var block_id = “ra-188150-17”; } Recalling his difficult childhood, the bitter paid special attention to children, organized holidays for children from poor families, and produced a children’s magazine.

Emigration, return home

In 1906 in the biography of Maxim Gorky moved to the United States, then to Italy, where he lived until 1913. Even there, Gorky’s work defended the revolution. Returning to Russia, he stops in Petersburg. Here Gorky works in publishing houses, engaged in public activities. In 1921, because of the aggravated illness, at the insistence of Vladimir Lenin, and disagreements with the authorities, he again went abroad. In the USSR, the writer finally returns in October 1932.

Recent years and death

At home, he continues to actively write, publishes newspapers and magazines.

Maxim Gorky died on June 18, 1936 in the village of Gorki under mysterious circumstances. There were rumors that the cause of his death was poisoning and many blamed Stalin for this. However, this version has not been confirmed.



