Biography of Bobby Fischer

Bobby Fisher is a famous chess player, born on March 9, 1943 in Chicago, Illinois. Biography of Bobby Fischer is best known as the story of an American chess player who defeated Boris Spassky in 1972.

Bobby Fisher was the first American to become the world chess champion. He was distinguished by unusual features inherent in a genius personality. Fisher grew up in Brooklyn, at the age of 6 he learned to play chess and quickly became a masterful player. In August 1958 at the age of 15 he became an international grandmaster.

In 1972, the chess player arranged an unforgettable, sensational duel with Russian champion Boris Spassky in Reykjavik, Iceland. Having won 21 games, Fischer became the champion. But Fischer was a very strange, eccentric figure, a recluse. He never defended his crown, rejected the match of 1975 with the representative of the International Chess Federation Anatoly Karpov. The Federation awarded the title of Karpov, and Fisher did not appear in public for almost 2 decades.

In 1992, he again played with Boris Spassky in Belgrade, the prize fund of the game was five million dollars. By agreeing to the game, Fisher violated the boycott between the United States and Yugoslavia. He won the match, getting 3.5 million. However, the next decade in his biography Fisher held a hermit, fleeing from American power.

On July 4, 2004, Fisher was arrested at the Tokyo airport in an attempt to leave Japan without a passport. He was held in Japan until March 2005, when he obtained the citizenship of Iceland and was deported to his new homeland. There he died on January 17, 2008.

Additional information: In the biography of Fisher, books “Bobby Fischer Teaches Chess”, “My 60 Memorable Games” were written. The 1993 film “Searching for Bobby Fischer” was not as such about Bobby Fischer. The tape told about the young gifted chess player, and the life story of Joshua Vaitskina was taken as a basis.

Biography of Bobby Fischer