Biography of Ambrose Bierce

Ambrose Gwyneth Beers is an American satirist, journalist, and writer of short stories.

Born in Meigs County, Ohio. After an excellent military service during the Civil War, he returned to journalism.

In San Francisco, he wrote for the newspaper “News-Letter”, and became its editor in 1868. Soon Beers created himself a reputation as a satirical wit. On his caustic pamphlets and epigrams began to often refer.

In London he wrote three books for a humorous magazine, including “Spiderweb from an empty skull”. After his return to San Francisco, he wrote for “Argonaut”, where his works were edited by Waspom. Then Ambrose Gwynetht Beers spent several years working as a columnist for the newspaper Sandi Exeminer. Later he became a Washington correspondent for the popular American edition and an employee of the newspaper Cosmopolitan.

The collection of sardonic definitions of Bierce – “Lexicon of Cynics”, was later renamed “Dictionary of Satan”. Often in dark colors, superstitious fear and creepy in fact!

Powerful in his free language, his short stories were collected in such publications as “Stories about the military and on the civilians” and “Could it be.” He was also highly commended for the “Monk and the daughter of the executioner”, which he adapted from the translation of German history.

Bierce’s exclusivity lies in his extracting the essence of satire, in the precise correctness of his language, and in his really frightening, terrible stories. Frustration and sadness filled the last part of his life. In 1913, he went to Mexico, after which there is no information about him.

Biography of Ambrose Bierce