Biography of Alexander Popov

Alexander Stepanovich Popov is a physicist, electrical engineer, inventor, known as a Russian radio creator.

Alexander was born in a small village in the Urals in the family of a priest. The first education in the biography of Alexander Popov was received in the theological school. Then he began to study at the theological seminary of Perm. He received his higher education at the University of Petersburg. Those years in the biography of Popov were heavy. The money was not enough, so Alexander could not always give study, he combined employment with work.

Carried away by physics, after graduation, he began teaching in Kronstadt. Then he began to read physics in a technical school. Since 1901 he was a professor at the Electrotechnical Institute of St. Petersburg, and after his rector.

But the true predilection in the biography of Alexander Stepanovich Popov was experiments. He devoted free time to the study of electromagnetic oscillations. Using the receiver of the Lodge, Popov created a radio receiver, which he introduced in April 1895. Since 1897, Alexander Popov in his biography conducted radiotelegraphic experiments on ships. At this time, Rybkin and Troitsky confirmed the possibility of receiving signals by ear, after which Popov modified the structure of his invention.

Biography of Alexander Popov