Biography Kirsanov Semen Isaakovich

(1906 – 1972)

Kirsanov Semyon Isaakovich (1906 – 1972), a poet.
He was born on September 5 (18th century) in Odessa in the family of a tailor.
Kirsanov’s childhood and adolescence passed in Odessa: here he graduated from the gymnasium, saw the revolution, the beginning of Soviet power, civil war, steamships that took White emigrants to Constantinople, and workers’ detachments under red banners entering the city.
In the 1920s, while studying at the philological faculty of the Odessa Institute of Public Education, Kirsanov already wrote poems about the educational program, the Red Army men, the revolution. Arrived in 1924 in Odessa, Mayakovsky took the poems of a young Odessite and printed them in “Lef”. Kirsanov wholeheartedly rushed to Moscow, to the “left front”, to create a new poetry, unlike anything that happened in the past, craved controversy and discovery. In 1925 he came to Moscow, published in the journal “Lef”, together with Mayakovsky speaking with reading poetry in different cities of the country. His first books are published – “The Sight” (1926), “Experiments” (1927), the poem “My Name-Day” (1928). Since the beginning of the 1930s, he has been actively working in the field of verse journalism (collections “String construction,” “Poems in the ranks,” “Percussion quarter,” the poem “Five-Year Plan” and etc.). He made slogans for the factories, printed in multiples, went to the construction of the Dneproges. In the late 1930’s he returned to the lyrics, wrote “Cinderella” and “Your poem.” With a group of Soviet poets traveled to Europe (Paris, Prague, Warsaw).
During the Patriotic War he worked in front-line editorial offices, visited various fronts, wrote leaflets, slogans, ditties, satirical articles, verses. After the war, his books were published – “The Sense of a New”, “Soviet Life”, “Comrades verses”, as well as translations of poems by P. Neruda, N. Hikmet, Louis Aragon and other poets. In 1954 he published a significant work – the poem “The Summit”. By the same time, a cycle of poems about Italy, poems about London and the cycle “Leningrad notebook” belong.
In recent years there have been collections of “Lyrics: 1924 – 1962”, “Search” (1967), “Mirrors” (1970). The poet S. Kirsanov died in Moscow in 1972.
A brief biography from the book: Russian writers and poets. A short biographical dictionary. Moscow, 2000.

Biography Kirsanov Semen Isaakovich