Biography Kaledin Sergey Evgenevich

(born 1949)

Kaledin Sergey Evgenievich (born 1949), the prose writer. He was born on August 28 in Moscow, in the family of an engineer. Education mother, translator-turkologist, subsequently a member of the joint venture, had a great influence on the future writer. After graduation I entered the Institute of Communications, from which I left after the first year, realizing that this was not his vocation. He goes into the army, at his own request, choosing a construction battalion, where there was less ideological upbringing. He served in Angarsk.
After the army he worked, changing many professions: he was a carpenter, a fitter, a grave digger in the cemetery. In 1972 he entered the Literary Institute. M. Gorky at the Department of Criticism. After studying for several years, he moves from the day to the correspondence department. In 1978, when it came time to defend the diploma, Kaledin was on Sakhalin “on a shabashka,” therefore instructed his wife to make a critical article to protect the diploma. When he returned, he learned that the article was not accepted, and then hastily wrote the story “The Humble Cemetery”, which became a graduation paper successfully defended. In 1979 he graduated from the institute.
“The humble cemetery” the author offered for publication to various publishers for several years, but only in 1987 the magazine “New World” decided to publish it. The story was noisy. Became famous, the author in the same year published a novel-chronicle “Corridor”, which included “Ku-ku”, “Shabashka Gleb Bogdysheva” and other novels.
In 1988 the story “Stroybat”, which also attracted the readers’ attention, was published. In 1990, the director of the Leningrad Maly Dramatic Theater, L. Dodin, staged a performance on this novel, which was a great success in the theater tours around Russia and other countries. In 1991, a new novel by the writer, Pop and the Worker, was published. The last novel by Kaledin is “Takhana Merkazit” (which means in Hebrew – “Main Bus Station”
A short biography from the book: Russian writers and poets. A short biographical dictionary. Moscow, 2000.

Biography Kaledin Sergey Evgenevich