(1910 – 1967)
Herman Yuri Pavlovich (1910 – 1967), writer.
Born March 22 (April 4, 2007) in Riga in the family of a lieutenant.
During the First World War, his father was at the front, his mother followed him with a sister of mercy, taking her son with him. He accompanied the whole war on the fronts of his parents.
After the war he studied in Kursk, where his first story was published in Kursk Pravda, then sketches, satirical articles and “every newspaper trifle”. The author was 16 years old.
In his youth he lived in the city of Dmitrov, he directed a dramatic circle. Here he wrote his first novel “Rafael from a hairdresser”, later published in Moscow. Feeling the need for professional education, he goes to Leningrad and enters the technical school of theatrical arts, which produced the leaders of amateur performance. But he did not like the program: they taught dance, speech technique, fencing. He left, began to work at a metal factory as a laborer, at leisure wrote, was published in the magazine “Young Proletarian”, then worked at the newspaper office of a paper mill. Here I got acquainted with German specialists who came to the USSR. There was a plan to write a novel about it. In 1931 the novel “Introduction”, positively estimated by M. Gorky, was published. Then came the novel “Poor Henry” (1934).
Becoming a professional writer, he devoted all his time to literary creativity. In 1934 – 36 wrote the novel “Our Friends”, then – the story “Lapshin” and “Alexei Zhmakin” (1937 – 38), subsequently revised into the novel “One Year” (1960). During the Great Patriotic War he served in the Northern Fleet as a military correspondent for the TASS and Sovinformbureau, and published a lot in the newspapers. In the postwar years he wrote screenplays of “Pirogov”, “Rumyantsev’s Case”, “Belinsky”, “My Dear Man”. He worked on the novel “Young Russia”, published in 1952. In 1956 the novel “Lieutenant Colonel of the Medical Service” was published, in 1957 – “The Case You Serve”. January 16, 1967 Yu Herman died.
A short biography from the book: Russian writers and poets. A short biographical dictionary. Moscow, 2000.
Biography Herman Yuri Pavlovich