Biography Gubanov Leonid Georgievich
(20.07.1946 – September 8, 1983)
Gubanov Leonid Georgievich (20.07.1946, Moscow – September 8, 1983, Moscow). The son of an engineer. He started writing poetry since childhood, in 1962 entered the literary studio at the regional library, several of his poems were published in the newspaper Pionerskaya Pravda. At the same time he became fascinated by Futurism and created a neo-futuristic magazine “Bom”, together with friends, held several poetic performances in Moscow schools. Then he entered the literary studio of the Moscow Palace of Pioneers. It attracted the attention of famous poets. In 1964, Yevtushenko helped print an excerpt from a poem by G. in the magazine “Youth” (this was the last lifetime publication of G. in the Soviet press). “Gubanov began early and brilliantly, his great talent was obvious to all, his poems were perfectly perceived from the voice, and he read willingly, alot, everywhere. During the year, literary Moscow was conquered by him. It can be said that this is the Russian version of Rimbaud. “(Aleinikov V. The name of the time UFO, 1998. № 29) In early 1965, together with Aleinikov, V. Batshev, Yu Vishnevskaya and others participated in the creation of an independent literary and artistic association SMOG. one of the authors of his program, arranged the “headquarters” of SMOG at his apartment. The first poetic evening of the association took place on February 19, 1965 in one of the Moscow regional libraries. In the spring of 1965, G.’s poems were published in three samizdat poetic almanacs: “Avant-garde” left art “, under the editorship of the G.), “Chu!” and “Sphinxes.” He always declared his aversion to rallies and collective mass actions, was perceived by friends as a “chamber” poet. Nevertheless, it was at his suggestion that SMOG on 14.04.1965 held a famous demonstration in defense of “left art”, and on 5/12/1965 G. attended a “publicity meeting” on Pushkin Square (perhaps because one of the requirements was to free the two smogists, detained for participating in the preparation of the rally). Soon G. was briefly hospitalized in a general psychiatric hospital, where he was required to testify against A. Ginzburg: in June 1966 he handed over the clippings from foreign newspapers about SMOGe. Both Ginzburg and G. confirmed the fact of the transfer and receipt of materials about SMOGe, this episode appeared on the “process of four”. Her parents were summoned to the party’s hills, where they were warned that their son would be arrested if he did not stop speaking with poetry. At the end of 1966 SMOG practically ceased to exist. Later on G. did not take part in the official literary life. The secondary school left after the ninth grade, did not study long in the evening art school, but did not finish it. He made a living by unskilled labor (he was a fireman, a photolaborator, a postman, a loader). I read my poems at meetings of young unrecognized poets and artists – in their apartments and workshops. Works G. – reprinted and in tape recordings – widely went to samizdat. Many of them were put to music and often performed by bards. In 1966, the journal Grani printed a collection of poems by smogists. Since then, G. began to publish in the Western periodicals, include in the anthology of uncensored Russian poetry. He died, as he predicted in his poem “Pauline”, at the age of thirty-seven, was buried in Moscow on the Khovansky cemetery. ” Gubanov is a tragedy. But he belongs to the poets of the next generation, who sought to come out with their poems to people – in Mayakovsky Square in Moscow, or elsewhere “(from the interview of the poet Gennady Ayga) Reznikova AA The materials of the journal UFO