(1807 – 1873)
Benediktov Vladimir Grigorievich (1807-1873) – Russian poet, family. November 5, 1807 in St. Petersburg, was brought up in the Olonets Gymnasium and in the 2 nd Cadet Corps in St. Petersburg, from where he was released as an ensign in the LGBT. Izmaylovsky regiment; with this regiment participated in the campaign of 1831 against the Polish rebels in, upon the return of the Guard to St. Petersburg, left military service, entering the Ministry of Finance. Here he remained until the end of his service, taking up the post of a member of the board of the state bank in recent years. In 1860, Mr.. received a resignation with a pension and has since lived “in peace”, then in St. Petersburg, then in the country or abroad. mind. April 14, 1873
In 1835, Benediktov wrote a small book of poems in the literary field, which drew the attention of the public and critics to the young poet. Readers and reviewers met this book with loud praise; she was bought like hot cakes, so a new edition was soon needed; According to the story of II Panayev, Zhukovsky spoke of the new poet with delight; from everywhere the most flattering judgments were heard. Only Belinsky (in the Telescope of 1835) looked at B.’s works from a different point of view, and, without exaggerating either their merits or their shortcomings, showed that only the talent of the poet is visible in them, that is, the ability to deftly master the size and rhyme, but almost completely absent poetic talent.
In 1856 a complete collection of B.’s poems was published, in 3 volumes, and the following year, as a supplement to this collection: “New Poems.” In the era of the Crimean War, B. acted as a patriotic lyric poet with a number of loud odes, in which he heard the belated echo of the Derzhavin muse. In the next era of social excitement, when the “civilian” note began to sound stronger in the choir of our poetry, B. also succumbed to this new public mood: leaving the previous lyrical outpourings, he invited the reader to fight the social evil, praised justice, unselfishness, love to the homeland, etc. In 1884 ed. by the partnership of M. O. Wolf, the 2nd complete collection of poems B. Edited and with an introductory article by I. I. Polonsky.
FA Brokgauz, IA Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary.
Biography Benedict Vladimir Grigorievich