Ronnie Coleman’s Biography

Ronnie Coleman is an American professional bodybuilder, eight-time winner of the “Mr. Olympia”. Ronnie was born on May 13 in Bastrop, Louisiana. Since childhood, Ronnie Coleman’s biography has played an important role. Ronnie played basketball, football, baseball, and in 12 years, took up powerlifting. When he entered the State University of Grambling, he began to … Read more

Biography of Kaka

Kaka is a famous Brazilian football player. Born Ricardo April 22, 1982 in the capital of Brazil – the city of Brasilia. Rodrigo, brother of Ricardo, also professionally engaged in football. At the age of seven, in the biography of Kaka, he moved to Sao Paulo with his family. At school he got to the … Read more

Biography of Greg Maddax

Greg Maddacks is an American baseball player, was born in the city of San Angelo, Texas. For his biography, Greg Maddox played with the teams “Chicago Cubs”, “Atlanta Braves”, both times in the national league. The baseball player was famous for his subtlety, control, preferring these qualities to strength and speed. Greg Maddaks has won … Read more

Biography of Karamzin

Nikolai Mikhailovich Karamzin is a Russian writer, historian, publisher, founder of Russian sentimentalism. The creator of the “History of the Russian State” and a number of famous works of art. Youth Karamzin Nikolai Mikhailovich was born December 12, 1766 in Simbirsk in a noble family. Primary education the future writer received at home. Soon his … Read more

Biography of Nomo Hideo

Nomo Hideo – baseball player, was born: August 31, 1968 in Osaka, Japan. Most known as a clever reliever with two games in which teams did not open an account. Biography of Hideo Nomo is glorified by the fact that the athlete became the first Japanese baseball star to participate in the Major League Baseball … Read more

Biography of Frank Zahn

Frank Zahn – American bodybuilder, winner of the competition “Mr. Olympia” 1977-1979, coach. Born Frank on June 28, 1942 in Kingston, Pennsylvania. Education in the biography of Frank Zahn was received at the Wilkes University of Wilkes-Barre Pennsylvania, which he graduated in 1964. Later, in 1977, Frank received a psychology specialty at the State University … Read more

Rainer Maria Rilke. Biography

Rainer Maria Rilke is an Austrian poet, prose writer, playwright and essayist, one of the largest representatives of the modernist philosophical lyrics of the 20th century, the author of the first modernist novel in the German-language literature. The originality of his work was determined by the original artistic philosophy, which had as its goal the … Read more

Biography of Giovanni Bologna

Giovanni Bologna, Jambolonia is a Flemish sculptor, whose real name is Jean Boulogne. Despite the fact that Bologna was born in Douai, France, he studied in Flanders. Mostly, Giovanni Bologna’s biography is identified with the Italian renaissance. It is believed that Bologna was one of the greatest sculptors of those times. Mostly he lived in … Read more

Biography of Leon Battista Alberti

Leon Battista Alberti – Italian architect, artist, musician, humanist, took an active part in the construction of churches, palaces. Biography Alberti is also known as the history of the first architect, who challenged the advisability of using classical orders during the Renaissance. His church works include the exteriors of the churches of San Francesco in … Read more

Friedrich Josef Dürrenmatt. Biography

Friedrich Dürrenmatt is a Swiss playwright, novelist, publicist, author of screenplays and radio plays, whose work is marked by a number of national and international prizes. His “grotesque theater”, developed within the genre of tragicomedy and exposing the vices of public consciousness, became one of the most striking phenomena of the world drama of the … Read more

Biography of Edward de Bono

Edward de Bono is a famous writer and consultant from Malta. Childhood and youth Edward Charles Francis Publius de Bono was born on May 19, 1933. He studied at the University of Malta, where he received medical education. During the Second World War he studied at St. Edward’s College. He also studied at Christ Church … Read more

Biography of Yuri Belonog

Belonog Yuri Grigorievich – Ukrainian athlete, athlete, world champion in shot put. Yuri was born on March 9, 1974 in the city of Belopolye, Sumy region. Physical data of the athlete: height 2 meters, weight 132 kg. Although he himself admits that the optimal weight for him is 140 kg. Yuri Belonog began to play … Read more

Biography of Goran Ivanisevic

Goran Ivanishevich – tennis player, was born on September 13, 1971 in Split, Croatia. Biography of Goran Ivaneshevich is best known as a biography of the Wimbledon champion of 2001. Croatian star Ivanishevich started professional tennis in 1988, quickly gaining a reputation for his excellent physical data, as well as relaxed character. The height of … Read more

Biography of Sergei Zverev

Sergey Anatolyevich Zverev – hairdresser, stylist, make-up artist, designer, singer. Sergei was born on July 21, 1963 in the town of Kultuk in the Irkutsk Region. Already in his youth in the biography of Sergei Zverev mastered three specialties – a hairdresser, designer for clothes, make-up artist. As a stylist, to conquer the whole world, … Read more

Biography Bogdanovich Petr Ivanovich

(1750 – 1803) Bogdanovich Petr Ivanovich (late 1740’s or early 1750’s – 1803), publisher, translator, writer. Of the nobility. In the second half of the 60-ies. studied at the University of Leipzig, then continued education in Britain and Holland. In 1771-1777 in the military service. In 1777-1782 (formally until 1783) he served in the library … Read more

Biography Gogol Nikolai Vasilyevich

(1809 – 1852) (1809-52), a Russian writer. Literary fame to Gogol brought a collection of “Evenings on a Farm near Dikanka” (1831-32), full of Ukrainian ethnographic and folklore material, marked by romantic sentiments, lyricism and humor. The novels from the collections Mirgorod and Arabesques (both 1835) open a realistic period of Gogol’s work. The theme … Read more

Biography of Leonid Fedun

Twenty-second businessman of Russia by Forbes, the owner of the legendary football club “Spartak”, a charismatic leader and an outstanding reformer, both in business and in football. Leonid Arnoldovich Fedun built a dizzying career for an entrepreneur and vice-president of Lukoil, but everything could be completely different. Leonid Fedun was to become a military man … Read more

Biography of Thomas Eakins

Thomas Cowperthwaite Eakins – American artist, photographer, sculptor, was born in Philadelphia, there he worked most of his life. Eakins is considered an advanced American portraitist, and also one of the best artists of the 19th century. In the biography of Eakins, education was obtained at the Academy of Fine Arts of Pennsylvania. He then … Read more

Biography of Sammy Sosa

Sammy Sosa is a Dominican baseball player. He broke into the main league with the team “Texas Rangers”, then in 1989 he began to play for the “Chicago White Sox”. In 1992, in his biography Sammy Sosa again changed the team, becoming a play for the “Chicago Cubs”. In 2005, he played one season for … Read more

Biography of Diogenes

Ancient Greek philosopher, famous for his characteristic life position, the founder of the school of Cynics. Childhood and early years Diogenes was born in 412 BC. e. in the Greek colony Sinop on the southern coast of the Black Sea. Information about his early years did not reach us. For certain it is only known … Read more

Biography of Mikhail Gorbachev

Mikhail Sergeevich Gorbachev is the 5th General Secretary of the CPSU Central Committee, president of the USSR, winner of the Nobel Prize. Mikhail was born into a family of peasants in the Stavropol Territory. Work in his biography, Mikhail Gorbachev began at age 13, while still in school. In 1948 he went to serve in … Read more

Biography Dombrovsky Yuri Osipovich

(1909 – 1978) Dombrovsky Yuri Osipovich (1909 – 1978), the prose writer. Born May 12 in Moscow in the family of a famous lawyer. He grew up in Arbat alleys, graduated from school here, the first political dossier was opened here. He studied at the Higher State Literary Courses. In 1933, Yu. Dombrovsky was deported … Read more

Biography Brodsky Joseph Alexandrovich

(1940-1996) Poet, translator, critic, essayist, playwright The first poetic experiences of I. Brodsky belong to 1957. In the early 60-ies begins to work as a poet-translator. By the same time, an acquaintance with AA Akhmatova, who highly valued his talent, was related. Poems appeared in the samizdat journal “Syntax” (1959-1960 gg.). On February 12, 1964, … Read more

Nikolai Vasilyevich Gogol. Biography

Nikolai Vasilievich Gogol is a prose writer and playwright, whose work developed at the intersection of Russian and Ukrainian cultures and combined romantic and realistic features. As the author of a number of works on the Ukrainian theme, Gogol spoke in Russian literature as the discoverer of the Ukrainian cultural world. As the author of … Read more

Biography of Alexander Rybak

Alexander Igorevich Rybak – singer, musician, composer, winner of “Eurovision 2009”. A talented musician and singer – Belarusian by origin, and by citizenship – Norwegian. Alexander was born on May 13, 1986 in Minsk. The fascination with music in the biography of Alexander Rybak was predetermined. His relatives are also musicians, his father is a … Read more

Biography of Frank Robinson

Frank Robinson is an American baseball player and manager, was born in Beaumont, Texas. In the biography of Frank Robinson, participation in the Major League began with the games for the Cincinnati Reds team. In 1956, Robinson was named the rookie of the National League year. In 1961, the athlete was named the most valuable … Read more

Biography Evtushenko Evgeny Alexandrovich

(born on July 18, 1933) He was born at the station Zima of Irkutsk region. He started publishing in 1949. In 19511954. studied at the Literary Institute. M. Gorky. In 1952 the first collection of poems “Scouts of the future” was published. Evtushenko is the leader of young poetry of the second half of the … Read more

Biography of Howard Carter

Howard Carter is an archaeologist, born May 9, 1874 in London, England. The biography of Carter is best known as the story of the discoverer of the tomb of Tutankhamun. Carter found, excavated the grave of the Egyptian pharaoh Tutankhamun. Howard began as an artist, drawing Egyptian hieroglyphs before the audience. And then he became … Read more

Biography of Edwin Powell Hubble

Edwin Powell Hubble is an American astronomer who made a decisive contribution to observational cosmology. Childhood and youth Edwin Powell Hubble was born on November 20, 1889 in the city of Marshfield, Missouri, USA. His father was an insurance manager. At school, he received a scholarship, and paid for his expenses, doing teaching and working … Read more

Biography of Albrecht Durer

Albrecht Durer – German painter, engraver, theorist, the most influential personality of the German school, was born in Nuremberg. Being the son of a jeweler, Durer spent some time in his biography working as a student, first in his father’s workshop. Since 1489, he worked in the studio of the artist Michael Wolgemut. After graduation … Read more

Biography of Agniya Barto

Agnia Lvovna Barto is a writer, poet, screenwriter. Born Agnia on February 4, 1906 in Moscow in the family of a doctor. Primary education in the biography of Agnia Barto was received at home. Then she enrolled in the gymnasium, and also attended the choreography school. About the same time, her first poems were written. … Read more

Biography of Tom Cruise

Tom Cruise is an actor, director, screenwriter, producer. Tom was born in the city of New York, Syracuse, on July 3, 1962. In the biography of Tom Cruise, by age 14, 15 schools have been replaced. Frequent crossings ended when the family settled in Glen Ridge, New Jersey. Although with each new move Tom could … Read more

Biography of Johnny Wilkinson

Johnny Wilkinson – a player in rugby, was born on May 25, 1979 in Surrey, England. Johnny Wilkinson’s biography is best known as the history of the brilliant player of the English Rugby Union in the position of the fly-Half. Johnny was one of the most famous professional players in rugby. He became a real … Read more

Biography of Ernest Rutherford

One of the greatest physicists in history, Ernest Rutherford is considered the father of nuclear physics. Childhood and early years Ernest Rutherford was born August 30, 1871 in the village of Spring Grove near Nelson, New Zealand, in the family of a farmer James Rutherford and his wife Martha Thomson. At birth, Ernest, by mistake, … Read more

Biography of Jan van Eyck

Jan Van Eyck is a Flemish painter, brother of Hubert van Eyck. Of the two brothers, the elder Hubert was less famous. On the biography of Hubert van Eyck little reliable information. Jan van Eyck was an artist at the court of John of Holland and Philip of Burgundy. During the service of the Duke … Read more

Biography of Michael Vick

Michael Vick is a football player, was born on June 26, 1980 in the city of Newport News, Virginia. The most famous as a quarterback “Atlanta Falcons”, arranged dog fights. Quarterback National Football League was arrested in 2007 for the illegal organization of dog fights. In the biography of Michael Vick football enthusiasm manifested itself … Read more

Biography of Boris Grachevsky

Boris Yuryevich Grachevsky – film director, screenwriter, director of the newsreel “Yeralash”. Boris was born in the Moscow region on March 18, 1949. In childhood, like most boys, was fond of sports. And successfully engaged in football, basketball, hockey, volleyball and more rare games, for example, handball. Even got a second class in basketball, as … Read more

Biography Kazakevich Emmanuel Genrikhovich

(1913 – 1962) Kazakevich Emmanuil Genrikhovich (1913 – 1962), the prose writer. Born February 11 (24 N. p.) In Kremenchug in the family of a teacher, later – a journalist. After graduating from a seven-year school and engineering college in Kharkov (1930), he left for Birobidzhan. There he began his career. He changed many professions: … Read more

Biography of Tori Amos

Tori Amos is a singer, a pianist. Tori was born in Newton, North Carolina on August 22, 1963. As a child, in her biography, Tory Amos played the piano with enthusiasm and sang. Since 1968, he has studied at the Baltimore Conservatory. However, being carried away not only classical music, she was forced to leave … Read more

Biography Merezhkovsky Dmitry Sergeevich

(1866-1941) Dmitry Sergeevich Merezhkovsky was born August 14, 1866 in St. Petersburg, in one of the imperial palaces – Elaginsky, in the family of a real secret adviser, the head of the court office. His great-grandfather, Fyodor Merezhka, was an army sergeant in the Ukraine and served in the Izmaylovsky regiment, and apparently then the … Read more

Biography Sukhovo-Kobylin Alexander Vasilyevich

(1817 – 1903) Sukhovo-Kobylin Alexander Vasilyevich (1817 – 1903), playwright, prose writer. Born September 17 (29 N. p.) In Moscow in an old noble family. Received a good home education. At age 17, he entered the Moscow University at the Physics and Mathematics Department of the Faculty of Philosophy. In his student years he became … Read more

Biography of Oleg Deripaska

Oleg Vladimirovich Deripaska is a Russian billionaire entrepreneur. He was born on January 2, 1968 in Dzerzhinsk, Nizhny Novgorod region, spent his childhood in the Krasnodar Territory. In the biography of Deripaska received two higher education. He studied at the Lomonosov Moscow State University, the Plekhanov Academy of Economics. Even before graduation, he worked as … Read more

Biography of Martina Hingis

Martina Hingis – tennis player, was born in Kosice, Slovakia. Biography Martina Hingis is known as a biography of the three-time winner of the Australian Championship. Martina started professional sports at the age of 14, quickly becoming one of the leading tennis stars. In 1997, she won almost all the Grand Slam competitions, winning the … Read more

Dante Alighieri. Biography

Dante Alighieri is a legendary Italian poet and thinker, the author of the famous poem “The Divine Comedy”, which entered the first row of the “golden fund” of world literature. In the history of national culture, Dante also belongs to the founder of the Italian literary language. Dante’s life in dates and facts: 1265 – … Read more

Biography Kornilov Boris Petrovich

(1907-1938) Kornilov Boris Petrovich (1907 – 1938), a poet. Born July 16 (29 N. p.) In the village of Pokrovsky, Nizhny Novgorod province in the family of a village teacher. Children and teenagers passed in the village of Djakovo, then the family moved to Semenov in 1922. He begins to write poetry, which is taken … Read more

Biography of John McEnroe

John Patrick McEnroe is an American tennis player, was born in Wiesbaden, western Germany. The first years of the biography of John Patrick Makinroya were held in Douglas, Queens, New York. As a student at the University of California, McEnroe won the National Student Athletic Association in 1979. In the same year he took up … Read more

Biography Gnedich Nikolai Ivanovich

(1784 – 1833) Gnedich Nikolai Ivanovich (1784 – 1833), poet, translator. Born February 2 (13 N. s.) In Poltava in a wealthy noble family. In 1793 he was admitted to the Poltava Theological Seminary, then studied at the Kharkov Collegium, after which he enrolled at 1800 in the Noble Board at the Moscow University. He … Read more

Biography Klychkov Sergey Antonovich

(1889-1940) Klychkov (real name – Leshenkov) Sergei Antonovich (1889 – 1940), poet, prose writer. Born July 1 (13 N. p.) In the village of Dubrovka, Tver province in the family of a shoemaker. He studied at a rural school, then he “wrote poems”. Later he took a course in Moscow in the school of II … Read more

Biography of Maxim Tank

Maxim Tank is a Belarusian poet and writer. Eugene was born on September 17, 1912 in the village of Pilkovschina in Belarus. Then he took part in the revolution in Western Belorussia. In the biography of Maxim Tank, the civil position was always actively expressed. For this he was arrested in 1933, as well as … Read more

Biography Gudzenko Semen Petrovich

(1922 – 1953) Gudzenko Semen Petrovich (1922 – 1953), poet Born March 5 in Kiev in the family of a civil engineer. In 1929 he entered the school. At the end of the decade in 1939 he entered the Moscow Historical, Philosophical and Literary Institute, which did not have to be finished – the war … Read more