Biography Antokolsky Pavel Grigorievich

(1896 – 1978) Antonokolsky Pavel Grigorievich (1896 – 1978), poet, translator. Born June 19 (July 1, current) in St. Petersburg in the family of a lawyer. The main passion of childhood was drawing with watercolors and colored pencils. In 1904 the family moved to Moscow, where soon the future poet entered a private gymnasium. In … Read more

Biography Christmas Vsevolod Alexandrovich

(1895 – 1977) Christmas Vsevolod Alexandrovich (1895 – 1977), a poet. Born March 29 (April 10, 2007) in Tsarskoe Selo, he received a good home education. After graduating from high school, enrolled at the Faculty of History and Philology of St. Petersburg University. The First World War prevented further education – from the third year … Read more

Biography of Ronaldo

Ronaldo – footballer, was born on September 22, 1976 in Bento-Ribeiro, Brazil. Best known as the FIFA player of the year in 1996-1997. At birth in the biography of Ronaldo was given the name of Ronaldo Luis Nazario de Lima. A bright, very mobile and fast striker, Ronaldo became an international football star in the … Read more

Biography Bogomolov Vladimir Osipovich

(1926 – 2003) Vladimir Osipovich Bogomolov was born in 1926 in the village of Kirillovka in the Moscow province. In 1941 he graduated from seven classes of secondary school. Member of the Patriotic War. In the active army was consistently ordinary, commander of the department, pomkvzvod, commander of the platoon – rifle, submachine gunners, foot … Read more

Eugene Ionesco. Biography

Talk about yourself is much more convincing and truthful than talking about others. Speaking of myself, I’m talking about everyone. A true poet does not lie, does not disingenuate, does not want to recruit anyone, because the true poet does not deceive, but invents, and this is quite different. Eugene Ionesco The well-known French playwright … Read more

Biography of Evgeny Baratynsky

Evgeny Abramovich Baratynsky is a famous Russian poet. Evgeny was born on March 2, 1800 in the village of Kirsanovsky district in the family of Lieutenant-General. Education in the biography of Yevgeny Baratynsky was received in the St. Petersburg corps. However, not having finished his studies, in 1812 he was expelled. Poems in his biography … Read more

Biography of Maria Sharapova

Maria Sharapova – tennis player, was born on April 19, 1987 in the city of Nyagan, Tyumen region. She is best known as the seventeen-year-old Wimbledon winner of 2004. In the biography of Maria Sharapova tennis enthusiasm manifested itself in 4.5 years. Not only a strong, but attractive athlete was only 17 years old when … Read more

Alexander Sergeevich Griboyedov. Biography

AS Griboyedov can be called a phenomenon of Russian literature. Phenomenal was his way to the domestic literary Olympus. Griboyedov overcame him with one comedy in his hands, so much so that even Pushkin, who at that time reigned supreme in Russian literature, bluntly admitted: this play “suddenly” put the name of its creator on … Read more

Biography of Darwin

Darwin Charles Robert is an English scientist, naturalist, traveler, author of one of the first studies on the origin of man. Childhood Charles Darwin was born on February 12, 1809 in Shrewsbury, Shropshire, in the UK to a doctor’s family. The future scientist received his primary education in a regular school. Even in those years … Read more

Biography of Christina Orbakaite

Kristina Edmundovna Orbakaite – singer, actress, Honored Artist of Russia. Cristina was born on May 25, 1971 in Moscow to a well-known family. Cristina’s mother is the prima donna of the Russian stage Alla Pugacheva, and her father is the artist and director Mykolas Edmundas Orbakas. Not surprisingly, since childhood Christina Orbakaite’s biography was different … Read more

Biography of Galileo Galilei

Galileo Galilei is a philosopher, an astronomer, a physicist, an inventor, a designer. He was born on February 15, 1564 in Pisa. In this city, until the age of 11, he went to school. Then he moved to Florence, where he studied at the Benedictine monastery. After this, Galileo entered the University of Pisa. There … Read more

Biography of Lee Haney

Lee Haney is a professional bodybuilder, world record holder in the number of victories in the competitions “Mr. Olympia”. Born on 11 November 1959 in Spartanburg, South Carolina. Education in the biography of Lee Haney was received at Spartanburg College. He was fond of sports since childhood, and when he was a student he was … Read more

Biography Kukolnik Nestor Vasilievich

(1809 – 1868) Kukolnik Nestor Vasilyevich (1809 – 1868), prose writer, playwright. He was born on September 8 (20th century) in St. Petersburg in the family of a professor at the Petersburg Pedagogical Institute. He studied at the Nezhin High School, where his father in 1820 – 21 served as director. At the same time, … Read more

Biography of Medvedev

Dmitry Anatolyevich Medvedev is a political figure of Russia, President of the Russian Federation. Dmitry Medvedev was born on September 14, 1965 in Leningrad. In the biography of Dmitry Medvedev from childhood manifested features of the desire for study, diligence, mindfulness. After graduating from high school, he entered the Faculty of Law at the Leningrad … Read more

Biography of Lev Landau

Lev Davidovich Landau is a scientist, physicist, winner of the Nobel Prize. He was born on January 9 in Baku. First, the education in the biography of Lev Landau was received at the Jewish Gymnasium. Then he studied simultaneously in two specialties at the state Azerbaijan University, then transferred to the Leningrad University. In graduate … Read more

Biography of Magic Johnson

Magic Johnson – basketball player, was born in Lansing, Michigan. In 1979, he won the national championship. Then the athlete played for the team at the University of Michigan. Then the basketball player joined the Los Angeles Lakers. Together with this team, Johnson won in five championships of the National Basketball Association: 1980, 1982, 1985, … Read more

Biography of Yana Klochkova

Klochkova Yana Alexandrovna is an outstanding Ukrainian swimmer, an honored master of sports in swimming. She was born on August 7, 1982 in Simferopol. Yana Klochkova started swimming in 1989. Having moved to Kharkiv, she entered the physical culture and sports school, which she graduated in 2001. At the moment he lives in Kiev. She … Read more

Biography of Stas Mikhailov

Stanislav Vladimirovich Mikhailov is a singer, composer, poet. Born Stas Mikhailov April 27, 1969 in Sochi. Stas’ father was a pilot, his brother chose the same profession. And in the biography of Stas Mikhailov, from the childhood, a tendency to creativity appeared. In his school years he already wrote poems and songs, participated in all … Read more

Biography of André Tanneberger

ATB – DJ, producer, composer, was born in Germany. Fascinated by the beauty of music, Andre himself decided to compose compositions in 1992. It was then that in the biography of Tanneberger, the first tracks were written using a synthesizer, a computer. DJ Thomas Kukula invited Andre to work in his studio. So in the … Read more

Biography of Viktor Tsoi

Victor Choi is a rock singer, guitarist, vocalist of the “Kino” group. He was born on June 21, 1962 in Leningrad. In 1969 he went to school, but while he finished eight classes – he changed three schools. From 1974 to 1977, Tsoi’s biography trains in a secondary art school. At this time the group … Read more

Biography of Nikolai Lobachevsky

Nikolai Ivanovich Lobachevsky is a mathematician, lecturer, rector of the Kazan Imperial University. Nikolay Lobachevsky was born on November 20, 1792 in the Nizhny Novgorod province, and in 1800 moved to Kazan. Education in the biography of Lobachevsky was received in the Kazan Gymnasium, which he graduated in 1807. Then he entered the Imperial University … Read more

Biography of Rene Descartes

Rene Descartes is a mathematician, physicist, philosopher. Born Rene Descartes March 31, 1596 in the French city of Lae in a family with noble roots. In his biography, René Descartes was raised by his grandmother after the death of his mother. He studied at La Flesch College, where he received religious education. In 1618, he … Read more

Ernest Miller Hemingway. Biography

Ernest Hemingway is an American novelist and journalist, Nobel laureate, one of the most popular writers of the 20th century, who entered the “pantheon” of cult figures. Hemingway became widely known as a representative of the “literature of the lost generation” and the artist who enriched the modernist direction with a whole complex of new … Read more

Biography Herman Lillevyali

German Lillevyly is a successful financier and entrepreneur with more than 20 years of experience in finance and investment, president and founder of GL Financial Group, a Swiss investment group of companies with offices in Geneva, Switzerland. He was born on March 13, 1964 in Moscow. It has Estonian-German roots. Father Herman Lillwevy is a … Read more

Biography of the DJ of Tiesto

DJ Tiesto – DJ, composer, producer, was born in the Netherlands. The fascination with music in the biography of DJ Tiesto was evident at the age of 12. Taking the pseudonym Tiesto, Tiys first began to perform at small parties, and then began to play in the nightclub The Spock. Music DJ Tiesto at the … Read more

Biography of Cy Young

Sai Young is an American baseball player, was born in Gilmore, Ohio. In the biography of Cy Young, the first games took place for the Canton League club Tri-State. After he played for the Cleveland Spiders national league. And from 1899 to 1900 the athlete was a pitcher for the St. Louis Cardinals of the … Read more

Biography of Konstantin Batyushkov

Konstantin Nikolaevich Batiushkov is a Russian poet. Born May 18, 1787 in Vologda in a noble family. Education in the biography of Batyushkov was received at the boarding school Zhakino Petersburg, then at the boarding house Tripoli. Not having finished his studies, Constantine devoted his time to literature. At that time, his taste as a … Read more

Biography of Vladimir Lenin

Vladimir Ilyich Lenin – political figure, revolutionary, founder of the Bolshevik Party, the Soviet state, chairman of the Council of People’s Commissars. In the biography of Lenin, education was received at the Simbirsk gymnasium. After a short study at the University of Kazan because of the promotion of the student movement was excluded. In Kazan … Read more

Biography of Margaret Atwood

Margaret Elinor Atwood is a Canadian writer and poetess, who was born in 1939. Her literary work addresses contemporary issues, such as: feminism, politics, the fate of Canada and Canadian literature, and the nature of mass society. Her most famous novel, The History of Slaves, is an American anti-utopia about the emergence of the rule … Read more

Biography Belyaev Alexander Romanovich

(1884-1942) Belyaev Alexander Romanovich (1884 – 1942), the prose writer. Born March 4 (16 N. s.) In Smolensk in the family of a priest. Since childhood he read a lot, was fond of adventure literature, especially Jules Verne. Later he flew on airplanes one of the first designs, he made gliders himself. In 1901 he … Read more

Biography of Yulia Vysotskaya

Yulia Aleksandrovna Vysotskaya is a popular television presenter of the culinary show, restaurateur, editor, author, actress of cinema and theater. Early years She was born on August 16, 1973 in the city of Novocherkassk. In 1990, Julia finishes secondary school in the city of Baku and enters the Belarusian State Academy of Arts. In 1998, … Read more

Biography of Ray Bradbury

Ray Bradbury – American writer, was born in the city of Wakigen, Illinois. A well-known and very fruitful writer of scientific fantasies, Bradbury skillfully combines social and technological critics with delightful fantasies. For the entire biography of Ray Bradbury, his most famous work is, perhaps, “Martian Chronicles.” This is a story about the destruction of … Read more

Biography of Robert Bligh

Robert Bligh – American writer, translator, editor and publisher, was born in Madison, Minnesota. He graduated from Harvard University in 1950. His poems, personal and very observant, tell of American landscapes. Among his collections of poetry are “Light around the body,” “Sleepers Joining Hands,” “The Man in the Black Coat Turns,” and “Favorite woman in … Read more

Biography of Modest Mussorgsky

Modest Petrovich Mussorgsky is a great Russian composer. Mussorgsky was born in the Pskov province, in the estate of his parents. The play on piano in his biography Mussorgsky was trained by Gerke. He studied to analyze, criticize works, as well as read scores in the circle of Balakirev. In 1852, for the first time … Read more

Biography of Dina Garipova

Dina Fagimovna Garipova is a Russian singer, winner of the TV show “Golos” in 2012. Early years She was born on March 25, 1991 in Tatarstan, in the city of Zelenodolsk. Parents, being doctors and candidates of biological sciences, always encouraged the creative interests of their daughter. Dina loved to sing from childhood, from the … Read more

Biography Berberova Nina Nikolaevna

(1901 – 1993) Berberova Nina Nikolaevna (1901 – 1993), the prose writer. She was born on July 26 (August 8, 2006) in St. Petersburg in the family of an employee of the Ministry of Finance. She got a good home education, studied at the gymnasium. After the revolution in 1919 – 20 she studied in … Read more

Biography of Max Barskikh

Max Barskikh is a popular Ukrainian singer who has recorded many songs and videos, which has a huge number of fans in Ukraine and abroad. He was born on March 8, 1990 in the city of Kherson, Ukraine. Your real name is Nikolay Bortnik. After the guy finished school, he moved to Kiev. Here he … Read more

Biography of Lyubov Orlova

Lubov Petrovna Orlova is an actress, People’s Artist of the USSR. Love was born on February 11, 1902 in Zvenigorod. The family of the future artist had noble roots. At the beginning of her biography Lyubov Orlova was engaged in music. Because of the desires of my parents, I entered music school at the age … Read more

Biography Forsh Olga Dmitrievna

(1873 – 1961) Forsh Olga Dmitrievna (1873 – 1961), the prose writer. Born May 16 (28 N. p.) In the fortress Gunib in Dagestan in the family of General D. Komarov, head of the district of Middle Dagestan. My mother died very early, and the Bonn was engaged in raising the children of the general, … Read more

Biography of Marc Chagall

Marc Chagall is a Russian artist. In 1907 he left his hometown of Vitebsk, having moved to St. Petersburg. There, in the biography of Chagall, training was conducted under the leadership of LN Bakst. In 1910 in Paris he began to absorb the characteristic features of cubism in his expressionistic style. Chagall is considered a … Read more

Biography of Valentina Chepiga

Valentina Chepiga – Ukrainian bodybuilder, winner of “Miss Olympia” in 2000, coach. Valentina was born on April 18, 1962 in Kharkov. I was fond of sports for a long time: I went skiing. Education in the biography of Valentina Chepigi was received at the Civil Engineering Institute. To engage in bodybuilding began in 1988, at … Read more

Biography of Nikolai Nosov

Nikolai Nikolayevich Nosov is a Russian writer, playwright, director and screenwriter, winner of the Stalin Prize of the third degree, author of well-known children’s works about Neznayka. Childhood and school years Nosov Nikolai Nikolaevich was born on November 10, 1908 in Kiev in the family of the entertainer. The childhood of the future writer passed … Read more

Biography of Peggy Fleming

Peggy Fleming is an American figure skater, was born in San Jose, California. Peggy Fleming began skating at the age of 9 years. After the outstanding performance of the numbers, a young, novice figure skater became the champion of the United States. This title was kept from 1964 to 1968. In 1968, the athlete became … Read more

Biography Pavel Bazhov

(1879 -) Pavel Petrovich Bazhov was born in 1879 in the family of a master who worked at a mining plant near Yekaterinburg. The boy was lucky with the teacher of literature. He himself loved Russian literature and gave this love to his students. Ten-year-old Bazhov knew by heart the entire school collection of poems … Read more

Biography of Yesenin

Sergei Aleksandrovich Yesenin is a great Russian poet, a representative of the new peasant art and imagination in literature. Childhood and Education Was born on September 21, 1895 in with. Konstantinovo Ryazan province in the family of a peasant. Education in the biography of Yesenin was received at the local Zemstvo school, then until 1912 … Read more

Biography of John Kenneth Galbraith

John Kenneth Galbraith is the most famous American economist, most remembered for his ironic work “The New Industrial State.” Childhood and youth John Galbraith was one of four children at Archibald Galbraith and Sarah Katherine Kendal. His father was a schoolteacher and farmer, and his mother was a community activist in the community in which … Read more

Biography of Chulpan Khamatova

Chulpan Nailevna Khamatova – actress of theater, cinema, Honored Artist of Russia. Chulpan Khamatova was born on October 1, 1975 in Kazan in the Tatar family of engineers. Childhood in the biography Chulpan Khamatova did not foreshadow the actor’s career. She was fond of figure skating, mathematics. Then she entered the financial and economic institute, … Read more

Biography Iskander Fazil Abdulovich

(born 1929) Iskander Fazil Abdulovich (born in 1929), writer, poet. Born March 6 in Sukhumi in the family of an artisan. He graduated from high school, received a library education. In the 1950s Iskander comes to Moscow, enters the Literary Institute, which ends in 1954. Already in his student years begins to be published (the … Read more

Biography of Goethe Johann Votfgang

The greatest German writer Johann Wolfgang Goethe lived a long life, filled with fruitful work in literature, science, art and public life. Beginning to write poetry as a boy, he did not stop writing until the last days. His literary heritage is wide and diverse. He created a large number of lyric poems, several novels … Read more

Biography of Yanka Kupala

(June 25, 1882 – June 28, 1942) Kupala Yanka (the real name is Ivan Dutenekovich Lutsevich) (25.06.1882, Inlet of the Minsk province – June 28, 1942 Moscow), poet, folk poet of the Byelorussian SSR (1925), academician of the Academy of Sciences of the BSSR (1929) and Ukrainian Academy of Sciences (1929), laureate of Stalin of … Read more