At the end of VII century. The Arabs conquered North Africa from the Byzantines, and reached the Atlantic Ocean. They managed to convert the local Berber tribes to Islam. In 710, the Arabs crossed the strait, which the Greeks called the Hercules Pillars, and invaded the territory of Spain. The coastal rock, to which the ships of conquerors landed, was named Jebel al-Tariq – Mount Tarika. This was the name of the Arab commander, who first crossed the strait. Subsequently, the strait that separates Europe from North Africa, received a somewhat modified name Gibraltar.
During this raid the Arabs confined themselves to the ruin of coastal territory, and already in 711 the stronger army of Arabs and Berbers led by Jabal al-Tariq crossed the strait and invaded Spain. In the first great battle the Visigothic army suffered a crushing defeat. For several years the Arabs and Berbers occupied most of Spain and advanced deep into the Frankish kingdom, but were stopped by Karl Martell.
At first, the Muslim Spain, which was called al-Andalus, was part of the Arab Caliphate. When the Abbasids captured the power in the caliphate, Abdarrahman of the Umayyad dynasty established the emirate in Spain in 756 with the capital in Cordoba. Formally, he recognized the authority of the Abbasid caliphate in Baghdad, but later al-Andalus became an independent Arab state, reached in the 10th century. tops of political power. There was created an effective administration, taxes allowed to keep an army of mercenaries and a navy. The rulers adhered to the oriental ceremonial and fashion for clothes and food, invited Arab poets and singers.
The Arabs enriched the life of the Spaniards. In Arab Spain began to grow rice, sugar cane, pomegranate trees, cotton, etc. The irrigation canals system was expanded, which improved farming. Especially viticulture has developed. Cattle raising, especially sheep breeding, also developed. The peasants rented land from large landowners and paid a fee for their use. In the cities flourished crafts: fabric manufacture, production of weapons, glass, luxury goods, leather processing.
Economic successes were accompanied by cultural ones: science developed, libraries and educational institutions opened, almost the best in Europe.
In the north of the Iberian Peninsula, the Moors were never able to conquer the mountainous regions of Asturias, where there were small Christian states. Hence the liberation of the lands occupied by the Arabs, called the Reconquista, began. The beginning of the Reconquista, which lasted almost eight centuries, is considered to be the battle of 718 near the town of Covadonga, in which the Spanish-Christians defeated.
At the beginning of the XI century. In Arab Spain, feuds erupted. They led to the disintegration of al-Andalus into several dozen independent principalities. The decline of Muslim statehood greatly facilitated the process of Reconquista. On the conquered lands, new independent states were formed; Especially distinguished were Castile, Aragon and Portugal. The rulers of these states began to aggressively attack the Arabs and drive them further south to the Iberian Peninsula. In 1085, Toledo was conquered, which became the capital of Castile.
XI cent. “The General Chronicle of Spain” about the capture of Toledo by King Alfonso VI
This year King Alfonso gathered a large army… and went to Toledo, as it used to be, and began the siege of the city. The Moors strengthened Toledo well, and the city was enclosed by walls, and the river Tajo defended it reliably. But many people were missing in Toledo, and supplies were exhausted, and the Moors had to surrender it to King Alfonso…
And the Moors asked the king to allow them to stay in the city, and to keep their houses and property, and all that they own. And King Don Alfonso allowed them to live… and he ordered that the Moors pay the same taxes as the Moorish kings used to pay them, and, in addition, he declared that the main mosque should be for life the Moors…
In addition, people who professed the Christian faith settled in Toledo, and they settled there reliably, and there were so many of them that they exceeded the former population of the city in numbers.
Arab Spain