In the first half of the XX century. The studies of Antarctica were episodic and were limited to individual expeditions. But from the second half of the 50’s. Regular surveys of the continent began at polar stations, which conduct a variety of scientific observations. The result of their work was the first atlas of Antarctica, published in 1966-1969.
Among the scientists-polar explorers there are meteorologists, physicists, biologists, hydrologists, glaciologists, etc. Over the past decades, a lot of research has been done that enriched the sciences about the nature of the Earth.
To avoid duplication of research, the international community formed the International Committee for the Coordination of Antarctic Research. The committee includes several units that coordinate the work of permanent and seasonal stations in the following areas: marine research, biological resources, the upper atmosphere, ice cover, climate, etc.
Antarctica does not belong to any state. It prohibits mining, hunting for animals, testing weapons, etc. In recent years, Antarctica has become a place that is often visited by tourists, but no tourist facilities on the mainland are built. All tourists live on tourist ships that approach the shores of Antarctica.
Ukrainian station “Academician Vernadsky.” Ukrainian scientists and earlier, as part of Soviet expeditions, participated in the research of Antarctica at the stations that now belong to Russia.
With the gaining of independence, Ukraine was faced with the question of conducting its own research, which could play a big role in the development of national science. Ukraine’s desire to conduct research was supported by the United Kingdom, whose government in 1995 handed over to our country the British station Faraday. Now the station is called “Academician Vernadsky”.
The Antarctic station “Academician Vernadsky” is located on one of the islands near the Antarctic Peninsula on the Pacific coast of Antarctica. Ukrainian scientists are exploring the upper atmosphere, the spread of energy from the surface of the Earth up, earth magnetism, continental ice, conduct meteorological and biological studies, observe the ozone layer of the planet, changes associated with pollution of the natural environment. The research results are exchanged with scientists from other Antarctic stations, in particular the UK, and are referred to the International Committee for the Coordination of Antarctic Research.