Natural areas of Eurasia

1. What is the law of natural zoning in the territory of Eurasia?

This geographical law in the territory of Eurasia is most clearly manifested in the sequence of alternation of natural zones. One natural zone replaces another when moving from north to south.

2. It is known that in the forests more vegetative mass is formed than in the steppes, however, the chernozem soils are much more fertile than the podzolic soils. How can I explain this?

Each natural zone has its own geographic features, type of vegetation, soil, etc. Soil soils, despite the large amount of biomass, are less fertile than the soils of the steppes, which is associated with the processes of their formation. In the coniferous forests, the soil is podzolic. Organic substances do not accumulate, but are washed out by thawed and rainwater. In the steppes, they stay in the upper layers of the soil. So fertile chernozems are formed on which good harvests are grown without additional mineral substances and soil reclamation.

3. What natural zones of the temperate zone are most widely used by man? What contributed to their development?

The forest steppe and steppe zones are most widely used by man.

People need bread. Rye and wheat yield a greater yield precisely in the steppe and forest-steppe, since the soil there is better than in the forest zone. This served as an impetus to the development of agriculture in these zones. In the forest zone, livestock farming is predominantly developed.

4. On what continent do the tropical deserts occupy the largest areas? Specify the reasons for their distribution.

The tropical deserts are the most unfavorable for people living and their economic activities. They occupy mainly the territory of South-West Asia, as if continuing the vast tropical desert of Africa to the Sahara. The reason for the spread of tropical deserts is climatic conditions: very small amounts of precipitation, as well as high temperatures, increasing the evaporation of already low humidity and contributing to the creation of a dry and hot climate in the area of ​​tropical deserts. The area of ​​deserts is gradually increasing. This is due both to the general tendency towards warming of the climate, and to a greater extent to the mismanagement of the population living on the borders of the tropical deserts. The main type of farming in the pripustynnyh areas is sheep breeding. Desert vegetation restrains the movement of sand. Mechanical disturbance of the upper soil layer by flocks of sheep and goats results in intensive sand blowing and its displacement. The process of expanding the desert zone is called desertification. This process annually reduces the plots of land suitable for people’s lives. These sites become barren deserts, covered with free-flowing sands.

5. On the example of one of the natural zones of Eurasia, show the connections between the components of its nature.

Natural components within the natural zone are in close interconnection. The moist and warm climate of the equatorial forests contributes to the intensive development of vegetation, which, in turn, provides food for the numerous birds and herbivores that feed on predatory animals. In a humid warm climate, the presence of large biomass contributes to the formation of fertile soils.

Thus, such components as soil, vegetation and fauna are interrelated and depend on the amount of heat and moisture entering the territory of a given natural zone.



