The coastline of Australia is poorly dissected, there are few bays and convenient bays for the construction of seaports and berths. They are located mainly in the east and south-east. While the world’s largest coral structure – the Great Barrier Reef stretching from north to south for 2 thousand km – is close to the northeastern coasts. These are clusters of small coral islands, between which only small yachts can move. And for large ships, the reef is dangerous. It constantly changes its outlines due to the growth of corals.
Large islands off the coast of Australia are of continental origin. In the north is the second largest island in the world – New Guinea. This island separates from the mainland Torres Strait. In the south is the island of Tasmania, separated by the Bass Strait from the south-eastern coast of Australia. Tasman Sea from the mainland separates the islands of New Zealand.
The largest peninsula of Cape York in the north extends into the ocean open spaces between the Coral and the Arafura seas. Large bays near the coast of Australia are two: in the north – the Carpentaria. in the south – the Great Australian.