What can you write about May? Only good words! May is a riot of spring colors, flowers in gardens and flower beds. This is a clear starry sky at night, gentle dawns in the morning. May is the first storm, the rainbow blossoms after a warm rain. This is dewy grass, the sonorous singing of birds that nests are built for future chicks. These are the first trips to nature, picnics, swimming in the still cold lake, bonfires under the open sky. May is a beautiful singing of a nightingale in the night.
What else to tell about May? This month is the realm of flowering trees and bushes: pink, white, purple, lilac. And apple blossoms, and bird cherry, and cherry, and lilac. You go, for example, along the May alley, and on both sides it is a paradise blooming garden, airy, like bridesmaids.
May is a country of lush greenery. The grass and leaves are still fresh, bright, they have not yet become covered with summer dust. Spring winds swing the trees. In May, it’s nice to open the windows wide and listen to the young foliage behind them. When will the first cherries and cherries already be ripe? Wait for a long time.
In May, the world is filled with insects that crawled out after hibernation. All sorts of bugs, ladybugs, bees, bumblebees, other insects and bugs. They busily fuss, creep along the blades of grass, fly for nectar, climb into flowers with long proboscis – that’s what’s great. All sorts of snakes and lizards at this time also rule their ball – they snoop everywhere. Snakes have a breeding season, they are angry, so they must be feared.
It’s good to go to nature in May, sit over a pond on a stone or on a willow branch, watch the water splash. Or walk through forest paths, listen to the joyful singing of birds. Or go out into the meadows, which now, like a carpet, are covered with different flowers.