Honore de Balzac is a French novelist who entered the history of literature as the creator of the monumental epic “Human Comedy”, which became a kind of chronicle of the life of the society of the first half of the nineteenth century. and one of the fundamental works of realism.
The life of O. de Balzac in dates and facts
May 25, 1799 – was born in the provincial town of Tours, in the family of Bernard François Balsa, who came from a peasant family, but managed to become a manager of the city hospital and an assistant to the mayor due to personal qualities.
1807 – on the initiative of the mother was given to the Vendome College, distinguished by liberal education. In 1813, due to a nervous breakdown caused by overload in reading, he quit this institution and for the next three years changed colleges and boarding schools several times.
1816-1819 – studied at the Paris School of Law, while attending lectures on history, philosophy and art at the Sorbonne, as well as acquiring legal practice in the attorney’s and notary’s office. Upon completion of education, Balzac refused to practice law and told the family about his intention to devote himself to literary creation. His father decided to give Honor a chance to prove his ability to do this, agreeing to support him for two years, until he can earn his living by professional literary work. As a “touchstone” Balzac wrote the heroic tragedy “Cromwell”, which, however, suffered a complete fiasco.
1822-1825 – for the sake of earnings, wrote about a dozen low-quality “Gothic” novels and published them under the pseudonyms Horace de Saint-Aubin and Lord R’Oon.
In the second half of the 1820’s. the writer in search of earnings repeatedly embarked on commercial adventures in the publishing industry, which brought him only losses. At the same time, Balzac acted as a journalist, raising in his articles and essays the pressing issues of France’s public life.
1829 – saw the first serious novel by Balzac “Shuany”, attracted the attention of the public. This success was fixed by the appearance of new books by the writer: “The Physiology of Marriage” and “Scenes of Private Life”, as well as works included in the “golden fund” of world literature: Gobsek, Shagreen Skin, Eugene Grande, Father Gorio, and etc.
1841 – the final design of the epic “Human Comedy”, designed to unite all novels and novels into a single whole. In 1842 the concept of this grandiose project Balzac expounded in the famous “Preface to the” Human Comedy “.
In 1835 Balzac became the owner of the newspaper Kronik de Paris, which, however, soon went bankrupt.
In 1847 the writer came to the Ukrainian village Verkhovnya near Berdychiv, to the estate of an old acquaintance, the Polish aristocrat Evelina Ganskaya. From the autumn of 1848 to 1850 he lived here constantly, from time to time making trips to Ukrainian cities. In 1850, Berdichevskaya church hosted the wedding of Balzac and Ghana.
July 18, 1850 – died in Paris due to prolonged heart disease.