I want to become a doctor

For Anton Pavlovich Chekhov, “grace” in the profession of a doctor is a disease that he can treat. In my opinion, “grace” in the profession of a doctor is to give people health, to benefit them. There is nothing on earth that is more important and more valuable than human health. No wonder they say “Health can not be bought for any money.” And only the doctor, with his professionalism, his humanism, his responsibility, can restore and preserve health to man.

I did not have a specific reason why I chose the profession of a doctor (although my mother has been working as a nurse for many years), I just feel that at this stage of my life – this is mine, I want it. I understand that you need to learn a lot to become a good doctor. I also realize that this profession requires great responsibility, since it is connected with the most valuable that a person has – his health.

I just want to help people, everyone, not only those who have the means and the opportunity, who can maintain and maintain their health through fitness, healthy and nutritious meals, a variety of recreation. I want to help those people I see on the street every day: old grandmothers, disabled people, sick children. All of them deserve help and compassion. There is an opinion that the doctor should be cruel, he should not feel sorry for the patient, afraid to hurt him. I agree, the doctor should be tough, but not stale and rude, but determined and thoughtful, at risk and responsible for the decisions made. Sometimes in the preservation of a person’s life, the account goes on for a second and only the successful outcome of a professional depends on the professional actions of a specialist.

And yet, a person who decides to become a doctor should love his profession. After all, the person’s recovery depends on the doctor’s mood, his ability to kindly encourage the sick and just smile. The profession of a doctor has a dual nature: not only does a doctor help people, but people also help him with their patience, hope and faith. In any profession there must be an incentive. And only the doctor – this is the health and life of the patient!

Rarely, but nevertheless there are accidents when it is impossible to restore health to the patient. Many families of victims blame the doctors for the death of their relatives. But we must remember: the doctor is not God! Not everything is in his hands, no matter how educated he is, there are situations when one must take one right decision at once, take risks. In the work of a doctor, the practice acquired over the years is of great importance. That’s what I want. Communicate, learn, sometimes make mistakes (during study, but not work), and then be corrected. Go forward and forward.

But, no matter what, I still dream of becoming a doctor. Yes, it is not always possible to help, but I will try to do everything possible, that all who turned to me for help, it was good and calm for themselves and their loved ones. I dream through my whole life to take the words of the oath of Hippocrates: “Whatever house I enter, I’ll go in there for the benefit of the patient!”

I am also convinced that this profession will always be needed and in demand, as well as the profession of the teacher: “There will always be someone to treat and whom to teach!”



