One summer I stayed with my uncle forester. He left early, returning late. On my questions, what he does all day in the forest, my uncle answered: “I have enough work in summer and winter, I protect the forest from poachers, I participate in the sanitary felling of dried trees, take care of young trees.
One day my uncle returned home earlier than usual. He brought a wounded suvenir. I first saw this bird not in the picture, but in reality. Sovenok looked with yellow, round eyes, like a bowl. His eyes were wide open. “This bird is nocturnal,” explained the uncle, “the little one can not see us now, but at night he is the owner of the forest, he eats mice, hares, hedgehogs and even birds, although the owl is the bird itself.” I noticed the strong legs of a suven, on his sharp beak, crocheted. Long feathers on the head resembled ears. The suvenok was a dark red with black impregnations.
“We are leaving a suven,” said my uncle, “and then we’ll take them to the forest.” “Where’s his forest dwelling?” “You’ll see for yourself,” his uncle answered shortly.
The next day he took me with him to avoid the forest. At the old hollow tree, my uncle stopped. “We have such trees under protection,” he said, “and they find owl shelter in their hollows.” – “And what benefit do they bring?” – “I told you that an owl destroys rodents and other pests of the forest,” I heard back.
We went on, and soon I saw another tree. On the trunk there was a special mark made in blue paint, as in the previous tree. “The owls took a liking to this tree,” said my uncle, “here we will bring our little one, how he will grow stronger, and yet he will find a dwelling without our help, for the owen is already well oriented in the forest.” A lot of interesting things were shown to me by my uncle during a forest site tour. I returned to the house of the forester, full of impressions. I wanted to see the suven soon.