What is curiosity?

In the composition there are references to the story of O. Pavlova “Miracle”.

Option 1

Curiosity is a desire to comprehend the world, to learn new information on its own or through available sources, for example books.

I believe that without self-interest, the process of self-education is impossible, because it is this quality that gives rise to the desire to know more.

In the story “Miracle” the boy Lukyan is really curious: he decided to learn everything about his illness and did not stop there. He studied the new pages of the encyclopedia with excitement, was happy when in real life he found illustrations for the knowledge he had received, he shared it with his mother.

Lukyan is reminded of my best friend and classmate Vadim. He knows far more than many of the guys in the class, and his horizons are much wider than mine. And all because in his spare time Vadim likes to read various books on history, geography, physics, he is interested in everything! And we are always interested in his company: he knows a lot of amazing facts and stories.

Indeed, curiosity is a very important quality that allows a person to develop, become smarter and do not stop there.

Option 2

What kind of person can be called inquisitive? The one who loves knowledge, because the answer lies in the very word “curiosity”. The one who wants to understand as much as possible the laws of the surrounding world, who is looking for the cause of phenomena and the essence of things, who is hungry for new information.

This is what I see Lukyan in the story “Miracle”. In the sixth grade, when many of his peers were more likely to read adventure novels or science fiction, he preferred physics. Few of my friends would have thought of independently studying the encyclopedia! He wanted to learn more about his illness, but it was curiosity that helped him get carried away by the nature of light, the discoveries of famous researchers.

But the result of the curiosity of Tsar Peter I became reforms in Russia, greatly accelerating its development.

I am sure that curiosity is a remarkable quality inherent in real researchers. Curiosity distinguishes people intelligent, addicted, bored.

Option 3

Curiosity is a wonderful quality. It allows the person to develop, does not allow to be lazy to the mind. It is curiosity that helps people accumulate knowledge, make discoveries.

Curious and Lukyan, the hero of the story “Miracle”. He himself opened the encyclopedia, wanting to understand the cause of his illness; the laws of nature and physics carried him away. He did not stop reading a couple of definitions, but became a real researcher and plunged deeper into a new world of knowledge for him.

In the history of mankind there are many examples where curiosity turned ordinary people into geniuses. It was she who helped Leonardo da Vinci become a great scientist, engineer, artist, sculptor, musician.

I believe that this is an amazing quality, without which it would be impossible to imagine the development of all mankind.

Option 4

Curiosity is the desire to obtain new information about the world around us, a love for knowledge. Curious people want to know as much as possible about the most diverse things and understand many aspects of life.

Lukyan from the story “Miracle” is also like this. He wanted to read more about his illness and opened the encyclopedia. However, the boy learned not only the definition of myopia. Concepts from the world of physics and medicine carried him away, and the phenomena of light became a real passion. He was happy to find in the world around him illustrations of the knowledge he had acquired, he wanted to learn more and more.

Curious, I can also name my mother, who is interested in spheres of knowledge that are not related to her profession as a lawyer: she likes reading books about the history of Russia and other countries, knows a lot about the architecture of Europe.

I believe that curiosity is a very useful character trait, because it can become a compass in the world of knowledge.

Option 5

Curiosity is the desire to know as much as possible about various things and phenomena. An inquisitive person is called a person who constantly asks questions about the essence of what is happening, specifies details, independently studies what interests him.

So, Lukyan preferred to study in detail his unpleasant diagnosis. And curiosity gave him a whole world that swallowed him. The hero was interested in learning more about the laws of physics and the phenomena of nature, and his main assistant was a simple encyclopedia. An unclean person would not have discovered it?

Few people know that it was this quality that helped the great scientist MV Lomonosov two centuries ago to foresee the modern significance of the Northern Sea Route.

Curiosity is evidence of interest in life, activity, desire to develop. This is one of the most useful properties of human nature.

Option 6

Curiosity is a property of character that allows a person to independently accumulate information about the world. The desire to understand the cause of phenomena or the nature of things is what distinguishes an inquisitive person.

Do not be Lukyan from the story “Miracle” inquisitive, he would never have uncovered the encyclopedia and immersed himself in the world of physics and its phenomena, would not know what “variance”, “caustic” is. The hero could not understand the essence of his illness and cope with the fear that was experienced before myopia.

I myself can also be called inquisitive: I am interested in subjects that are not part of the school curriculum, for example astronomy. I have a whole collection of books about constellations and planets, which I read with pleasure, each time discovering something new, and in summer we often take a telescope to the dacha and watch the heavenly bodies.

Curiosity really opens new doors to the world of knowledge. This is a wonderful and very useful quality of a person.



