The educational function is that the learning process is primarily aimed at the formation of knowledge, skills and experience of creative activity. The acquired, internalized knowledge is characterized by completeness, systemic, awareness and effectiveness. Modern didactics believes that knowledge is found in the student’s skills and that, consequently, education is not so much the formation of “abstract” knowledge, but rather the development of skills to use it to gain new knowledge and solve life problems. Therefore, the educational function of teaching implies that the training is directed along with knowledge on the formation of skills and skills, both general and special. Special skills refer to the methods of activity in individual branches of science, the academic subject.
The developmental function of learning means that in the process of learning, the assimilation of knowledge, the learner develops. This development occurs in all directions: development of speech, thinking, sensory and motor spheres of the personality, emotional-volitional and need-motivational area. The developmental function of learning essentially constitutes the problem of the relationship between learning and development – one of the most acute questions in psychology and modern didactics.
The modern organization of education is aimed not so much at the formation of knowledge as on the versatile development of the student, primarily the intellectual, learning the methods of mental activity, analysis, comparison, classifications, training in the ability to observe, draw conclusions, identify the essential features of objects, training in the ability to identify goals and methods activity, check the results of it.
Any teaching leads to development, but the learning is of a developing nature, if it is specifically aimed at the development of the individual, which must be realized both in the selection of the content of education and in the didactic organization of the educational process.
The learning process also has an educational character. Pedagogical science believes that the connection between upbringing and learning is an objective regularity, as well as the connection between learning and development. However, upbringing in the learning process is complicated by the influence of external factors (family, microenvironment, etc.), which makes upbringing a more complex process.
Educational function of training is that in the process of education moral and aesthetic representations are formed, a system of views on the world, the ability to follow the norms of behavior in society, to fulfill the laws adopted in it. In the process of learning, the person’s needs, motives of social behavior, activities, values and value orientation, worldview are also formed.
In order to exert a formative influence on students in teaching, the teacher must, first, analyze and select educational material from the point of view of his educational potential, and secondly, build the process of learning and communication in such a way as to stimulate personal perception of educational information by students, an evaluative attitude to the studied, to shape their interests, needs, humanistic orientation.