There are various prosaic genres: a story, a short story, a novel, a novel. What is the difference between one genre and another? What is a story and how does it differ from a story or novel?
The title is one of the genres of prose. In its volume, the story occupies an intermediate position between the story and the novel. The plot of the story usually reproduces the natural parts of life and is devoid of intrigue. He is focused on the main character and on the character of his personality. In the story there is usually only one storyline, in which only a few episodes from the life of the main character are depicted.
The story differs from the story with its large volume. So, if the volume of the story is measured by a dozen pages, then the volume of the story can be one or several hundred pages of printed text. In addition, the story is a narrative about one or two episodes of the life of the main character, while in the story can tell about a larger segment of his life. In contrast to the story, there are more actors in the story, as well as events.
Before explaining how the fairy tale differs from the story, let’s talk about what is common between them. First of all, they refer to prose. In addition, a fairy tale and a story tell about a certain period from the life of the main character. But the story is based on the description of events that occurred or could occur in ordinary life, and the plot of the tale is based on fiction. Thus, the construction of the plot line of the story is based on the likelihood principle, which is completely excluded when creating a fairy tale. Most fairy tales (except for the secular ones) belong to the folklore genre, that is, such tales do not have a specific author.
Like any work of literature, the story contains certain lessons that readers must understand.
Let’s, for example, understand what the story “The Old Man and the Sea” teaches. It seems to be such a small literary work, but how much it gives us! We read this Hemingway story and learn perseverance and devotion, the struggle for survival and the certainty that the future will be better than the present. In addition, the story teaches meekness and submission, hope and humility.
But the story of B. Polevoy “The Story of a Real Man” teaches the ability to overcome any life difficulties and strive to live a full life, to help people and at the same time to be a modest person.
What is the meaning of the finale of the story
Every story has its own meaning, which is most often expressed in its finale. Let’s analyze what the meaning of Hemingway’s story “The Old Man and the Sea” is. The old man Santiago does not shun people, he does not walk away from life, he does not shut himself up. In fact, the prospect of further activity remains open, which can be regarded as the author’s belief in the creative and creative power of man. In the final of this story, the topic of misunderstanding between people, their inability to listen to each other is also touched upon. After all, a group of tourists are only interested in a huge skeleton of fish, and they do not hear the story of the old man’s tragedy.