Creativity Shakespeare-playwright

Shakespeare’s playwright-play is divided into three periods:

Первый, так называемый оптимистический, ознаменован появлением произведений, которые пронизаны верой в победу добра над злом, торжеством человечности, ума и справедливости. Наиболее известные среди них – исторические хроники “Ричард III”, “Генрих IV”, а также искрометные комедии “Укрощение строптивой”, “Сон в летнюю ночь”, “Венецианский купец”, “Много шума из ничего”, “Двенадцатая ночь”. В этот период Шекспиром были написаны и его первые трагедии: “Тит Андроник”, “Ромео и Джульетта”, “Юлий Цезарь”.

The second period is called tragic. It was at this time in his works that the mood of deep disappointment in the idea of ​​the humanistic idealization of a man preached in the Renaissance sounds. “The more Shakespeare knew about life, the more obvious it became to him that man was far from perfect, for it was not small and not ordinary people who served as a yardstick.” Shakespeare always looked at people of really significant – clever, energetic, strong-willed, distinguished by various abilities and valor. And among these truly great people, moreover, ascended to the very heights of power and power, he discovered imperfections even more significant and sometimes terrible than in ordinary people, “wrote and Shakespeare is known A. A. Anikst.

A striking feature of the third, so-called romantic period, is the emergence of works in which the features of two dramatic genres are combined: tragedies and comedies. On the one hand, they are permeated with drama, on the other – they are characterized by happy finals. Such, for example, are the tragicomedy “Pericles”, “Winter Tale”, “Storm”.

In all, 37 plays, 154 sonnets and 2 poems belong to Shakespeare. Most of these works still amaze readers with the power of a poetic word, the depth of philosophical thought, the brilliance of artistic images.



