Questions and answers to the novel “The Life and Amazing Adventures of Robinson Crusoe”

What prompted D. Defoe to create the novel?

The basis for the creation of the novel by D. Defoe was the essay of an English journalist. It described the actual incident with a sailor who spent four years on a desert island.

Who is Robinson Crusoe and what motivated him to go on a trip? What adventures did Robinson experience before he got to a desert island? What was Robinson’s first concern on the island? What is especially attractive in Robinson Crusoe?

His thirst for life attracts him. Living on the island, he still felt fear. But fearless, brave is called one who finds the strength to overcome this fear. On the island, Robinson found friends, managed to tame wild goats. It turned out that goats are smart and obedient, if they are treated well. Fifteen years later, Robinson first saw the trace of a man. He assumed that it was the savages who drove to the island, and was not mistaken. Robinson saves the prisoner, whom the savages were about to eat. Saves on Friday and gives the name to a new friend – Friday.

What does Robinson teach Friday? What does the life of Robinson Crusoe teach?

He managed to become a master of all trades, and this helped him survive. Robinson was an excellent farmer and herdsman, shooter, researcher; he was a good friend. His life teaches us not to give up, overcome difficulties and believe that there are more forces in a man than he thinks. His example teaches endurance, endurance, strength of will, kindness, honesty, decency.

What is “Robinsonade”?

This is the name of any description of adventures on uninhabited land. Imitations of the book Defoe set. A typical Robinsonade is Jules Verne’s novel The Mysterious Island. Robinson had many twins: he wore different names, and he was a Dane, a Greek, and a Scot; his profession changed too: Robinson was a doctor, a bookseller, there were even the girl Robinson and Robin-invisible zones. Residents of different countries expected from writers stories, equal in fascination to the book of Daniel Defoe. There are also Russian imitations of the famous book. So one wonderful book gave birth to a whole avalanche of others, and its author became the founder of the literary genre of Robinsonade.



